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Dave, you seem to be a math guy, you want maths?


Sayonara, general forums?


Glider, medical science?


greg1917, chemistry?


PM me about it


edit: or multiple per forum would be better, that way we don't have our hands tied. regardless, PM me if you're in.


'General' seems to take the most beating.


I check in regularly from 8.00 GMT to 23.00 GMT so probably another 1 person US-side should be enough to cover it completely.


Also, it would be good if someone could give me the e-mail addresses for ppl who sign up purely to spam. Then I can:


1) Ban the address from the forums I run, and


2) Send them 1000 randomly titled and addressed spams every second for a week.


celebguy listed his email as "celebguy_dv@BonBon.net"


ip address:, thought it was likely a proxy


I have experience as a mod, and I'm US I could probably cover a few forums if you have need of me;)


hmm..or you could put me in charge of punishment:cool:


I don't think that looked like a proxy though...maybe?

Originally posted by Sayonara³

2) Send them 1000 randomly titled and addressed spams every second for a week.


Is that legal?



heh...it's not legal, but it's very much fun to do something like that to people who are very much agitating;)


on accident of course....

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