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The lowest achieve able at any technology temperature achievable on Earth recorded in Kelvin is 1.0 × 10-10 K

That relates to Quantum Speed/Area to move

Quantum speed is measured in meters / seconds area meters^3

m / sec / m ^3 = 1/sec/m^2 or m^2/sec

(m^2/sec)/C <m/s> = m

K can be substituted for m^2/s

1.0 x 10^-10 K / 299,792,458 m/s =

Comes up with 3,335,640,951,981.52 m/s

Math looks good

End result doesn't

Amazing and the speed of light still appears to be travelling at 300,000,000 m/s

I think there's a constant!


I know that in Quantum, one thing can easily become something else... but m^2/s becoming Kelvins? I'm not so sure about this...


They can be proportional, but that doesn't mean one can substitute the other.


The lowest achieve able at any technology temperature achievable on Earth recorded in Kelvin is 1.0 × 10-10 K

That relates to Quantum Speed/Area to move

Quantum speed is measured in meters / seconds area meters^3

Area is metres squared not cubed


m / sec / m ^3 = 1/sec/m^2 or m^2/sec

[math] \frac{speed}{area} = \frac{m/s}{m^2} = m.s^{-1}.m^{-2}=s^{-1}m^{-1}[/math]


(m^2/sec)/C <m/s> = m

K can be substituted for m^2/s

1.0 x 10^-10 K / 299,792,458 m/s =

Comes up with 3,335,640,951,981.52 m/s

Math looks good

End result doesn't

Amazing and the speed of light still appears to be travelling at 300,000,000 m/s

I think there's a constant!


Math doesn't look good!


I didnt recognize the term quantum speed. A bit of googling found the following that you might find interesting - it's the closest I can find to your ideas


pop-sci at wired/ars technica http://www.wired.com...ormation-speed/


full article at nature (behind paywall) http://www.nature.co...ature10748.html


and the preprint at arxiv http://arxiv.org/abs/1111.0776

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