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I was given a workshop on how to do a two point test cross. But the lecturer didn't go over three point. I went off to do it by myself and spent hours trying to work. Long story short, I got the progeny for cross like this.


V (vermillion) cv (crossveinless wings) (ct (cut wing edges) --> mutant alleles


Wily type--> + (red eyes) +(cross veined) + ( normal wings)


v ct cv/ + + + (arbitrarily ordered female) x V ct cv/ v ct cv (male)


I got 8 progeny from double and single crosses.



v + + = 580

+cv ct = 592


Those were the parental


V cv +=45


v ct cv=89



single crosses



double crosses


and total progeny 1448



Anyway, I worked out that the ct allele should have been in the middle in all of the above genotypes. by reordering the parental chromosome. But the bit I'm stuck on is calculating the map units.


The alleles in the female were thus arranged like this v++/+ct cv in this exact order.



So I was told to look for the V-ct loci and then work out the RF for this, but how do I do that?

I need to do this for ct-cv and v-cv loci as well.



Please could someone help me. I really,really,really stuck and annoyed because I want to work this out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Edited by pensive

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