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How does a person get expert status?

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... so essentially you ran the place down after IMM stopped to clean up after you. Could have guessed so.


Someone needs to convince her to come back. Not just for the cleaning, but also for the general awesomeness.

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It seems to me that being a moderator or resident expert means that you don't do things like start threads (MississippiChem's chemical space thread noted and applauded.) So as a member I would wonder why anyone would even want to be a mod or an expert. I mean it is almost completely synonymous with answering homework questions and playing security guard. Swansont does a great job in his blog posts but honestly he could come down to the forum and taste the rainbow of fruit flavour from the lounge! Just sayin', no one ban me or nuffin' k . . . :)

Not really...

We can start threads if we like. We just don't moderate those threads where we participate in the discussion.

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Yes, but it's more of an unwritten addendum:

Which is being written up officially as we speak.


- monitor hallway

Hey, those aren't sashes, those are the baldrics we hang our swords on!


- help old lady cross the street

You're still claiming I stole the Cheese Nips out of your grocery bag?! Ingrate!


- secure future of mankind

Who will do it if we don't?


- pick on ydoaPs

Probably the most improved member we've ever had, but he was more fun to pick on when he was in high school. And since he's stopped pestering the Admins for a staff position, he may get one someday.


- avoid starting threads

Ahem, I started this one and this one just this morning.


- repeat

Ahem, I started this one and this one just this morning.

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Hmmm, what if i genetically engineered the coral to excrete tequila?


I would involve you in a long and convoluted discussion about why it is not going to work. Also I would steal your coral.

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It seems to me that being a moderator or resident expert means that you don't do things like start threads (MississippiChem's chemical space thread noted and applauded.) So as a member I would wonder why anyone would even want to be a mod or an expert. I mean it is almost completely synonymous with answering homework questions and playing security guard. Swansont does a great job in his blog posts but honestly he could come down to the forum and taste the rainbow of fruit flavour from the lounge! Just sayin', no one ban me or nuffin' k . . . :)


bold mine


I genuinely enjoy helping people with their coursework. Some of the trickier questions keep me sharp and some of the easier ones help me learn to break down concepts that I see as obvious into explainable and understandable terms which makes me a better communicator of science over time. Sometimes people on the staff are incorrect or unclear in their explanations, another staff member more knowledgeable in that area may come along and correct that. That's good too, I like being corrected as I learn something from it.


That's why I like helping people with coursework. It helps me practice my strengths and it exposes my weaknesses which is what being a better scientist is all about.


Though I must admit I do get tired of elementary organic/gen. chem. problems sometimes. If someone brings a physical chemistry or chemical physics question I jump at the opportunity as that is my true love.

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Most improved? Do I get a sticker or something? I like stickers.....especially the shiny ones.


Ah, stickers. Thank you for reminding me. I had meant to make "I peed for Freedom" stickers to pass out after urinalysis (at work. Calm down, new mods, there is no drug testing for you).

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No significance that I'm aware of. Just decoration. Aren't they pretty though :/



Very pretty, I'm glad you enjoy what you do! I would just hope that members who are focused on becoming an expert member keep in mind the significance of the title, and also hope that expert members are aware of their continued member status. I think expert members are the most capable of opening threads for discussion that excel in their competence in bringing to the forum quality material.


I must admit I've tried to open a forum for general science and have considered opening one that maybe specializes in a subject. My doing so had nothing to do with wanting to run a forum or with being an authority, it had more to do with my personal feelings about the structuring of all existing forums. I want to see less about homework and individual questions, I would like to see lengthy topics of discussion that incorporate these individual topics. I feel the focus towards being an expert is keeping the discussion of threads limited to a more homework style venue. I find that if there isn't one single answer to the thread the thread is passed off. I also find that some moderators try to close the thread by offering oversimplified answers instead of opening the thread to greater ideas that could evolve into an appropriate answer or maybe a generalized approach to a greater solutions.


Obviously it is not my place to correct the forum and the forum is free to do as it wishes. I am simply giving my feedback in hopes that maybe one day I'll see more in the forum I choose to maintain my focus in, as having the qualities of a forum that I desire. Starting a new forum is a very difficult and time consuming thing to do and I don't see it as something one individual can accomplish, so really trying to influence one that is already in existence seems to me to be the most appropriate avenue of approach. I like scienceforums.net and have been here for several years now. I've seen members and expert members come and go. I've enjoyed the thoughts of many and I hope to see the forum evolve and the approaches and techniques of both members and expert members as well. To anyone who 'desires' to be an expert member I would have to ask, why is it so important, what does being an expert member do for you that being a member doesn't? If you want pretty stars add them to your avatar, and post some killer threads and replies!

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I must admit I've tried to open a forum for general science and have considered opening one that maybe specializes in a subject. My doing so had nothing to do with wanting to run a forum or with being an authority, it had more to do with my personal feelings about the structuring of all existing forums. I want to see less about homework and individual questions, I would like to see lengthy topics of discussion that incorporate these individual topics. I feel the focus towards being an expert is keeping the discussion of threads limited to a more homework style venue. I find that if there isn't one single answer to the thread the thread is passed off.

I think part of our problem is we simply do not have enough members with enough experience in any given field to have a long detailed discussion about it. I might like to talk about the ontological argument for the existence of God, but there are only a couple of members here who have studied it in any depth before. Similarly with any in-depth topics in physics.


I'd love for this to improve, though.

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