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I came across a phenomenon that seemed strangely familiar today.


I was attempting to schedule a meeting amongst a few people from work today who are from a few different rungs on the corporate ladder. Aside from the obvious difficulties of finding a time when everybody's free that isn't a few years away, I had to contend with other meetings getting shuffled into my timeslot so I had to shuffle my meeting about (and since my meeting was somewhat important I got priority over some other meetings meaning they got shuffled). This seemed oddly familiar, then it hit me. A nuclear chain reaction!


So, I have begun developing a theory of MSCR's (Meeting Shuffle Chain Reactions). There logical conclusion of this is that there will be a critical density of meetings (measured in meetings per man-hour) that will cause at least one other meeting to be shuffled on average. Once at this point we will have a self sustaining chain reaction of meeting shuffles. What worries me is when we go past this point and on average each meeting shuffle cause >1 other meeting shuffles on average. We'll have a problem getting exponentially worse sucking up time and resources eventually leading to stagnation and death (The Bureaucalypse).


Anyone else encountered this phenomenon?

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