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What are the more common theorems used to derive, for example a sphere in differential form, as a matrix representation? What are the more common expressions used to describe differential forms as matrices?


Are you asking about the volume form on the 2-sphere?


In general a two form you can think of as a matrix, not that I tend to do that.


We have [math]\omega = \frac{1}{2}dx^{i} \wedge dx^{j}\omega_{j i}(x)[/math],


and given the antisymmetric property of the wedge you can think of [math]\omega_{j i}(x)[/math] as a completely antisymmetric matrix, i.e.


[math]\omega_{ij} = - \omega_{ji}[/math].


Is this what you are asking about?


Yes, that got me there. Thanks ajb!



Leimkuhler, B., and G.W. Patrick. "A Symplectic Integrator For Riemannian Manifolds." Journal Of Nonlinear Science 6.4 (1996): 367. Academic Search Premier. Web. 28 Apr. 2012.


Symplectic integration is a numerical scheme for integration, that preserves geometric (symplectic) properties of the exact flow of a differential equation. This is not something I know much about.


More of an engineering thing . . . .


People who have mentioned symplectic integrators to me are applied mathematicians, so not a million miles away from engineering. I forget why this came up in a conversation.

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