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Dark energy

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I am trying to get all the theories i can hear about dark energy.

What are some you guys have heard? Do you have your own?


Personally i don't assume them to be legit but have 2 theories that i think their could be something to.


Could dark energy just be an illusion from light traveling faster in-between galaxies?


Or could dark energy be something way more complex like other smaller universes attaching to our own in the low gravitational areas between galaxies?


Maybe a combination of a few theories? Personally i end up coming to the conclusion of a combination of multiple theories when it comes to big questions like these.


Were sapposed to get a big announcement in july about dark energy, i wonder what it could be? I cant wait!

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"Could dark energy just be an illusion from light traveling faster in-between galaxies?"


No - speed of light is constant in vacuum.


"Or could dark energy be something way more complex like other smaller universes attaching to our own in the low gravitational areas between galaxies?"


These is no evidence of such things.

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Were sapposed to get a big announcement in july about dark energy, i wonder what it could be? I cant wait!


Could you tell us a little more about this? Is there some experiment going on that will have results by July?

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Could you tell us a little more about this? Is there some experiment going on that will have results by July?


The announcement from CERN will be about results of experiments carried out at LHC. The data has be subject to detailed analysis by two teams, who are responsible for two different detectors. The anticipated announcement concerns the possible existence of the Higgs boson. It has absolutely nothing to do with dark energy.

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I read somewhere online about an announcement to be made about dark energy in july? I don't beleive everything I read but maybe I saw that one thing along with whatever about the higgs particle and put them together. Because i knowive seen it more than once talking about big scientific news in july.

Sorry if i gave false information

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The announcement from CERN will be about results of experiments carried out at LHC. The data has be subject to detailed analysis by two teams, who are responsible for two different detectors. The anticipated announcement concerns the possible existence of the Higgs boson. It has absolutely nothing to do with dark energy.




When is spected first important results from CERN experiments ?

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