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Should polygamy be legalised???

Mr Rayon

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Here in Australia we're seeing increasing support for the legalisation of gay/lesbian marriages. I believe one day it will be legalised world wide. But if it does so too would polygamous marriages and perhaps even other forms of marriages between different peoples (as the only thing stopping it now is our Christian roots).


My question, even though polygamous marriages have a bad reputation in the developing world (particularly Islamic countries), could it serve a useful purpose in the future (e.g. political ones - to strengthen relationships between different countries) or serve as a better lifestyle choice for certain kinds of people (i.e. consensing adults) in the developed world? Certainly if I was an engineer travelling around the world to work, I would get lonely as Hell being away from family/friends. In this situation a polygamous marriage would help alleviate my loneliness as I marry different women as I travel between countries and start a family with them. There's also no reason why the offspring of polygamous couples can't be engineers, dentists/lawyers or even doctors with the appropriate love and upringing. Perhaps one could start a successful family business with all employees/workers restricted to those part of the polygamous family. Also, having multiple wives (or husbands) from different countries not only increases our appreciation of people from different cultures/backgrounds but it would also increase our linguistic capabilities and eliminate racial xenophobic tendencies we see today.


So, what does everyone think?

Could polygamy serve a useful purpose for people living in the developed world?

Do you think rich horny Chinese businessmen will one day be able to undertake polygamous marriages?

And generally is monogamy a better model for marriage than polygamy? If yes, do you think there are exceptions to this rule?


Personally, I see no reason why two well-educated and consensing adults shouldn't undertake a polygamous marriage if it is what they desire and the marriage model that best suits their ideals/values. Of course, I think only a minority group of people could successfully pull this off without too much trouble. Polygamy is not for everyone and without question for most it would certainly be undesirable.



What is everyone's thoughts/opinions about this?

What are peoples' thoughts about its abolition is so many countries? Do you think the justification is good?


Btw, currently polygamous marriages undertaken overseas are legally recognized in Australia and I suspect there will be pressure to completely legalize it as we become more liberal with increasing time so it will probably be the centre of debate for the next one or two hundred years.

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