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How would you identify a humanoid as not human?

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I've been writing for years about an alien species that is nearly identical to Humans. Without going into too much detail, there are key plot points as to why they're so similar to us. In fact living on a planet and biosphere shockingly similar to our own, especially given the rest of the alien life in the story universe is very diverse.


I've always said if you passed one on the street you might not know it was a different species. There are a few key traits that have come to me over the years:


-Vertically slitted pupils, giving highly acute distance but poor color vision. Color vision is limited to close distances, everything further is black and white (even possible?)

-More aggressively omnivorous teeth, think like a bear's

-More acute hearing and olfactory senses

-muscle structure doesn't increase in mass like our own but becomes far denser, giving them greater reaction speed, but Humans have greater capacity in raw strength

-genetic structure is similar enough to interbreed with Humans

-they are descended from their family of Felidae


Feel free to discount any of these traits, or tell me other traits that would point to being a humanoid Felidae. Indeed at one point a deceased specimen is being looked over to find differences, so as many other plausible details would be appreciated (i.e. possibly vestigial nerve clusters in the upper lip left over from whiskers)

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how about at the molecular level?


ie - something other than DNA encodes cellular instructions, but through convergent evolution we both become humanoid.


This could be a possible, but for the purposes of the story they should be as similar to life on Earth. I suppose I should reveal that the driving reason for the need in similarity and compatability of our and their species is that both were designed by a third party. It should look like both species came off the same drafting desk as it were.


A couple of points. In classical biology, if and only if these aliens could interbreed with humans then they are classed as humans.

Also people look at eyes a lot. Someone with odd pupils would stand out very quickly.


The species in question is not trying to invade or anything, its just that humanoid can be a very rough term as I was trying to give reference to how close their appearance resembles our own.


In regard to classical biology I understand the definition of the species, but interbreeding does happen. The most notable of which is the the grizzly/polar bear hybrids which retain reproductive viability.


There was also one other key trait which I forgot to add in last night to the list:


-The species (let's call them Cortans for simplicity of reference) metabolize chemicals with different from ourselves i.e. Alchol is stimulant where as caffeine is a depressant

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I've been writing for years about an alien species that is nearly identical to Humans. ........................................I've always said if you passed one on the street you might not know it was a different species. There are a few key traits that have come to me over the years:


-Vertically slitted pupils, giving highly acute distance but poor color vision. Color vision is limited to close distances, everything further is black and white (even possible?)

-More aggressively omnivorous teeth, think like a bear's

-More acute hearing and olfactory senses

-muscle structure doesn't increase in mass like our own but becomes far denser, giving them greater reaction speed, but Humans have greater capacity in raw strength

-genetic structure is similar enough to interbreed with Humans

-they are descended from their family of Felidae


Feel free to discount any of these traits, or tell me other traits that would point to being a humanoid Felidae. Indeed at one point a deceased specimen is being looked over to find differences, so as many other plausible details would be appreciated (i.e. possibly vestigial nerve clusters in the upper lip left over from whiskers)



I'm a bit puzzled. You wan't them nearly identical to humans and then list a number of readily apparent differences. The most realistic science fiction story that I read or saw on film (I'm not sure which) along these lines concerned an alien who was able to exactly replicate a human man and take his place as a woman's husband. However perfect the replication, she became slowly aware that he was somehow different in little things he did or thoughts he expressed.

I can't remember how the story unfolded - anyone remember?

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I've been writing for years about an alien species that is nearly identical to Humans. Without going into too much detail, there are key plot points as to why they're so similar to us. In fact living on a planet and biosphere shockingly similar to our own, especially given the rest of the alien life in the story universe is very diverse.


I've always said if you passed one on the street you might not know it was a different species. There are a few key traits that have come to me over the years:


-Vertically slitted pupils, giving highly acute distance but poor color vision. Color vision is limited to close distances, everything further is black and white (even possible?)

-More aggressively omnivorous teeth, think like a bear's

-More acute hearing and olfactory senses

-muscle structure doesn't increase in mass like our own but becomes far denser, giving them greater reaction speed, but Humans have greater capacity in raw strength

-genetic structure is similar enough to interbreed with Humans

-they are descended from their family of Felidae


Feel free to discount any of these traits, or tell me other traits that would point to being a humanoid Felidae. Indeed at one point a deceased specimen is being looked over to find differences, so as many other plausible details would be appreciated (i.e. possibly vestigial nerve clusters in the upper lip left over from whiskers)



These two things are mutually incompatible, humans are apes and by heredity monkeys as well, no felines are in the direct line of decent in humans. As for genetic structure humans would be more likely to interbreed with pine trees than humanoids from another planet...


They might be able to mate, the sex might be wonderful but no reproduction could take place...


Sorry, one more edit, many scifi stories have humans mating with aliens, in John Varley's trilogy titan wizard and demon the centaurs can and do mate with humans and have off spring but the centaurs are not an evolved species they are created as is by their god so they can mate with humans and have off spring.

Edited by Moontanman
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These two things are mutually incompatible, humans are apes and by heredity monkeys as well, no felines are in the direct line of decent in humans. As for genetic structure humans would be more likely to interbreed with pine trees than humanoids from another planet...


They might be able to mate, the sex might be wonderful but no reproduction could take place...


Sorry, one more edit, many scifi stories have humans mating with aliens, in John Varley's trilogy titan wizard and demon the centaurs can and do mate with humans and have off spring but the centaurs are not an evolved species they are created as is by their god so they can mate with humans and have off spring.


The rest of the universe in the story adheres completely to your human/pine analogy, there is a designed reason why the species are so similar. The fact that they are indeed two alien species yet so compatible are treated like the proverbial white elephant in the room by the biologists in the context of the story line.


I suppose I should have entitled the thread what would be Felidae specific traits for a humanoid. I have a few, Id like to find more.


Specifically how someone dissecting one might note key differences that would identify as Feildae-like.


I suppose at some point I have to give up some technical accuracy for the sake of the given story, but I'd like to get as close as possible.

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These two things are mutually incompatible, humans are apes and by heredity monkeys as well, no felines are in the direct line of decent in humans. As for genetic structure humans would be more likely to interbreed with pine trees than humanoids from another planet...


He might be able to get away with this with a clever intelligent designer.

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Dissection of the eye would (presumably) reveal the presence of the tapetum lucidum, which humans (and many diurnal animals) do not have.



That is, assuming the cat folk kept it during the evolution/design.

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Indeed he would. Can you imagine the howl from creationists?


It's funny you mention that, its never occurred to me but it fits. Although it's questionable how they would react to a mirror world, did the creator make a back up? In the context of the story the creator is far more physical and less ethereal than what a Creationist would fancy.


I think I've completed a more technical list of key trait differences that would differentiate the Cortans from Humans:

-Slightly Larger Vetically slitted pupils with a greater number of rods than cones giving greater visual acuity, but color vision is limited to about 20 meters or so. As well as the presence of Tapetum lucidum (thanks Greg H.) giving greater night vision

-More aggressive omnivorous teeth (bear like)

-A greater concentration of olfactory receptors in the sinuses. As well as a function and well developed vomeronasal organ on the roof of their mouth.

-A higher ratio of fast-twitch muscles than slow-twitch muscles giving them greater speed, but humans greater raw strength

-chromosome number would be equal to Humans to allow viable reproduction (key to greater story arc)

-vestigial nerve clusters in the upper lip from whiskers that have been evolved out

-slim spiny keratin filiform on the tongue

-the way they metabolize chemicals and their effects on the body seem to have reverse effects (caffeine causing inebriation, alcohol creating an alert state)

-Vellus hair covers their body, but is unchanged by sexual maturity. The only coarser hair grows only as eyelashes, eyebrows and scalp.

-Testes located in the abdomen.


I think the list is a bit more technical now, which is good. I would hope that these traits found on disinfection would make a biologist stop and think this was not Human. Indeed in the frame of the story universe genetic manipulation is possible (although not common) so enhanced traits such as augmented senses could make sense, say if Humans were trying to make a super soldier. But that's why I focus on items that would not have obvious gains as to be engineered in.


And for the record Kate Beckinsale looks more like a Cortan, just give her violet iris eyes and vertical pupils and she's pretty close to a supporting charater wink.gif



Jessica Alba's lips are too full to be Cortan. Nothing against them, just very Human.

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