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Current use for spent nuclear fuel pellets ?


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What is being done with the heat released by spent nuclear pellets ? Is it just released to atmosphere, or some industrial application is being fulfilled ?


Is the heat produced by spent pellets used to preheat water that supplies reactors thus using the energy ?


For several levels of radioactivity in the spent pellets; is there a safe one (or shielded one) that if we lived in a world of saints and security was not an issue, a plain size home could use its heat for winter warming; how many pellets would do the task and how long would they last performing reasonably well ?


Somewhere I read one spent pellet (about a cubic centimeter?) has the energy of 500Kg of coal. Is that right ?


What are the methods of encapsulation/shielding the radioactivity of the pellets and still extract the heat for industrial uses?

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What is being done with the heat released by spent nuclear pellets ? Is it just released to atmosphere, or some industrial application is being fulfilled ?


Is the heat produced by spent pellets used to preheat water that supplies reactors thus using the energy ?


For several levels of radioactivity in the spent pellets; is there a safe one (or shielded one) that if we lived in a world of saints and security was not an issue, a plain size home could use its heat for winter warming; how many pellets would do the task and how long would they last performing reasonably well ?


Somewhere I read one spent pellet (about a cubic centimeter?) has the energy of 500Kg of coal. Is that right ?


What are the methods of encapsulation/shielding the radioactivity of the pellets and still extract the heat for industrial uses?



Here is one use for that waste.


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