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I'm just a little kid with no scientific background whatsoever, so don't be too harsh (A).


For me, the spacial dimensions are up-down and left-right. I wouldn't call the third one depth dimension though, but a so called spacetime dimension (forward dimension or even a gravity dimension would be good too which is explained later). We all live in the spacetime dimension while we exist in space and time (duh!). Existing in space means having some kind of a forward motion. You can't have a backwards motion. 'Moving backwards' is still a forward motion in space. Existing in time means that you just are. In the present of your reality. I think we all understand what existing in time means.


But now let's imagine we can take away the spacetime dimension. We would be set in one place, nothing would be moving neither through space nor time. In that world we still can see though (with one source to catch the light. Light still magically moves in that world). And what would we see? Because we are in one place, everything we see would seem to be 2D. We can't experience those things from another angle, so we can't create 3D images of things around us. Only moving through space and time gives us the option to understand our world as 3D.


And that tells us that our world is literally 2D. What we experience as 3D is being in 2 spacial dimensions and the spacetime dimension. We can't take away the spacetime dimension, that would be just stupid (so that you don't start thinking about how a 2D world looks like. That's just unimaginable because that world would be fucking moronic. Universe's little trick of keeping you track on thinking about what's really important).


I also think that spacetime was ripped apart from bigger spacetime when Big Bang happened. Thinking that space and time were created at that moment seems crazy for me. I think that Universe is on some kind of a 2D plane, which also has spacetime, so it doesn't matter if the 2D plane of existance is inside our Observable Universe or outside - the world still seems 3D to every observer wherever it is.


If you think about it, it all seems very logical. We are mostly thinking of our Universe as a 2D grid, which gravity has effect on (showing how our Sun affects this grid by making a huge bump into it and so on). Gravity is everywhere though so that also implies that when you watch that grid from the side (flat grid would seem like a 1D line then), then it isn't flat anywhere and it's thickness is measured by a gravitational field - the more gravity, the thicker it is. We also know that more gravity means more dialation of time and space so you can pretty much say that gravity is the "owner" of our 3rd dimension (which is pretty epic amount of power if you asked me).


I also propose that black holes are the ultimate end goal of gravity. Gravity shows it's dominance over Universe with black holes. Black holes just bend space and time so much, so that it practically makes a full circle if you know what I mean. And gravity tries to make bigger and bigger black holes until a full circle is made, which is a paradox and to which Universe has the best solution - fuck it, gravity has won this round, time to respawn as a Big Bang.



I have some more ideas about the Universe and more thoughts can be unrolled from my story also. I want to see the reaction first though.

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