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The ancient Greekslaid some mathematical foundations of theory, but their ideologicaldefects embedded therein. The ancient Greeks assumed that: the worldare composed of atoms, the atoms are taken for granted is a dot-like,the dot is, of course can not be divided. But now, This definitiondoes not meet the objective facts. the frontier theory of physics,string theory and superstring theory showed elementary particles arenot point-like but infinitely thin one-dimensional entity, that is,strings. Then, using strings to define the Measure is in line withthe natural way. I call it as the string-mathematics. For example, astraight line should be constituted by strings, not by points.




I find, if themathematical theory based on the strings, (not on the points), anddefined the strings have mass, force, as well as the characteristicsof the base measure. That's definition will make the mathematicaltheory be simple.




If the end of theclosed string is infinitely close to the other end, It can beapproximated as a point, so the point- mathematics is stillfeasible. Like Newtonian mechanics principle can approximate set upby the very low speed of light in Relativity theory.




String-mathematicsthinking, can reconstruct the existing mathematical theory. The"point" thinking is the thinking of the ancient Greeksdefects, that defects continued 2000 years, and now we should be ableto correct it.




My ability islimited, only to point out this defect. we need all mathematicianscollaborative efforts to re-construct the string-mathematical theory.






Attachment: I have been deprived of citizenship 9 years ago, so Ihave unemployed and live in poverty for a long terms. When I sleep ona construction site, a night I see the introduction of string theoryand superstring theory on the web, I immediately found that if usingstrings instead of points to constitute a straight line and otherthings, we will be able to describe the natural better.










Author's Name: Ethan Liu (刘水波)


Email: wolfv9009@gmail.com




Address: Jinlan town,Hengyang city, hunan province, CHINA


ZIP CODE:421231

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