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Send it to me. j/k :)


No really, cesium is something not to play with. Although I would personally dispose of it by throwing it into a snowpile or something. :P Now let's see... You could probably make cesium chloride out of it (quite stable, used in cancer medication). Perhaps a displacement reaction with sodium chloride would be appropriate? I'm not too sure how much heat it will generate though (probably quite much). :(


Displacement generally won't work because if it's in an aqueous solution, you'll get a massive explosion. At the molten level, not only would there be a lot of heat required, but the added heat would accelerate the reaction with the atmosphere and lead to a big KABOOM with molten salt and caustic metal compounds. Probably the best way is to liquify the cesium and spread it out on a large metal plate. This must be done in a dry atmosphere to avoid major problems, but the cesium will rapidly oxidize in the air and form an incredibly caustic compound. It may catch fire, but it won't explode if it's spread out over a large area.


Hmmh. Doing this sort of things in a noble gas atmosphere wouldn't be a bad idea... How much cesium you got cashsphere, or do you just want to know for future cases? Of course, if you have a lot of cesium, selling it wouldn't be a bad idea either. Its market value is about 50$ a gram.


he means he wants!


i think the best way... if you never want to see it again (and this is free) is just chuck it in a river or something (or snow if you are in a cold country).


you much of it do you have?

how is it stored?

how old are you? (just asking to see how mature you are, in what other things you could do with it)


Now that I think of it, throwing cesium away is like throwing gold away (in the value sense). :o A good *BOOM* is of course always worth a couple of grams Cs. :)


i'm weeping at the prospect of that happening...just look at the reducing abilities it has man! actually, i would like to see what that stuff looks like dissolved in anhydrous liquid ammonia.


i saw some cesium chloride on the al-chymist awhile back; $7 for 25g. no longer sold tho :*(


Don't have any just wanted to see how to get rid of it if I did buy. Was gonna buy but changed my mind seems almost impossible to dispose of safely.


A 50 milligram ampoule shouldn't be too dangerous to get rid of. :) Of course, if you buy over 1g amounts you just might want to consider keeping it in a very, very safe place.

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