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hello i am beginner in Bioinformatics ,as i have gone through post of all members posted about branch length.

as i am working on gene name msp ,i m not getting how to interpret the result

i have used Bayes software , and calculated branchlength with bayesian posterior distrubution.


plz fined attached files


Hope somebody help me out in this matter , all gens are of same organism . i need to fine variation in terms of branch length



Posted (edited)

A) "Bayes" is not a program. Bayesian phylogenetic inference is a method of inferring phylogeny implementing Bayesian probabilistic theory. I looks like you used MrBayes. If so it looks like your tree is poorly resolved - which either means you data has low signal - which gene did you use from what organism? How do you know they are orthologous?

Or your analysis has not converged - what parameters did you run the program with (i.e. no. chains, MCMC generations, sampling rate, substitution model, partitioning scheme, burnin, etc) and how did you assess stationarity?


B) The top tree has branch lengths, the bottom tree has posterior probability support values.


C) Branch length variation between what? Being variation of a measurement, you need at least two meaningful measurements to compare. You don't have two monophyletic clades, so we need to know what you are comparing to make any sort of sensible suggestion.

Edited by Arete

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