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Posted (edited)

Hi guys, currently in second year engineering, found a part time job where I am an intern as a student in a business here who finds me things to calculate in an attempt to prepare me for the real world of engineering.


Right now I'm on this project where I have to calculate whether the Equal Angled beam (L 6" x 6" x 5/8") (made of 44W steel or A36 in the US) can safely uptake the tension applied to the adjustable bending pully on mounted on the beam.


Just to put you into perspective there is an engineer here, but I've been unable to get anything as much of an answer that makes much sense to me, I guess my understanding is limited and have the impression his time is more valuable doing something else at this point.



So there's a couple of things I understand I have to evaluate but I'm unable to have a clear idea of how to start off or know exactly how to procede to get somethign that makes sense. I know the tension in the pulley is generating momentum where the pillow block bearing sits, this transfers the momentum to the adjustable bender the pulley and bearings are mounted on. I want to evaluate the maximum shear strain but am unsure how to go about doing that, flexing moments, and other strains in the shaft.


This would allow me to make a selection or evaluate if the current shaft is big enough or not.



I attached a file showing the setup I'm working on its a general sketch but good enough for you guys to see I think. The two red Xs show the beam I need to analyse.


Thanks for all the help you guys can give me!




EDIT : I've also added a bit of my math that I did to find the equivalent force for the momentum generated by the tension on the pulley. I'm setting the bolts and pillow block and movable bender infinite rigidity as to be able to atleast get an approximate value for the forces acting on the beam only. We are "service" factoring 2-3 x the value so things should stay within safe range details aside.



Edited by PlastickMat
Posted (edited)

I had attached a file did I miss a step?



EDIT : My bad did not click "attach this file" after choosing the file, thanks for pointing out it's absence!



Edited by PlastickMat

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