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I`ve not been well, so my post count is low, I have a bad Flu at the moment 1 week after finishing a strong course of antibiotics :(


I can`t wait to get my old immune system back online again, I can go nearly a decade without catching anything normaly.


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I'm struggling to get an E in math, because two F's in a row aren't a good thing in high school in Finland (not that getting F's would be great in any other country :P ).


No, not really. I'm addicted to Natuk ( http://www.proudft.com/natuk.html ), which sadly summed with occasional Counter-Strike takes up all my time. Gaming addiction is always a good reason to have your grade raised to an E... or not.

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yeah i got exams too, but im ok for all of them, so i can spend some time here... every post you see from me.. just remember that i probably should be revising!


plus there's halo, need for speed underground 2 and lord of the rings: return of the king games to play!


so much to do, so little time to do it in!

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The math lesson today went straight over my (and just about everyone else's) head. I'm starting to really consider the option of switching to the less advanced high school mathematics. :P Btw, I think Hong Kong was 1st and Finland 2nd in a worldwide comparison that had something to do with how well people learn math in different places. :)

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The math lesson today went straight over my (and just about everyone else's) head.

so ask here and someone will probably be able to help you.


if not you can always see your teacher, in spare time, even the mean ones seem to end up being nice!

or there's probably a website with it on.


i mean, that is assuming you want to do something about it... which you probably should.


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My AP Calculus teacher informed us TODAY that there will be a test on Monday over the entire semester's worth of material. A month or two back she specifically told us there would be no semester exam. Math isn't my strong point in the first place, but a cumulative semester exam on three or four days notice...I'm going to implode over the weekend trying to study for this.

Sorry for the vent, I was a little angry and happened to come across discussion of math classes, it seemed like an opportunity not to be missed for letting off steam.

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