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What do you think about that:



The last part of the article states that error correction code has been found in the background mathematics (as far as i have understood it) of the String Theory.


Is that just a coincident, is there more about it, or is it sensationalist journalism?







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Gates Jr. et.al. have found a way to construct irreducible representations of 1d supersymmetries using what they call "Adinkras"- these are a graphical representation of supersymmetry algebras [1]. Doing so allows them to do computer based searches for the representations [2].


It is a fact that not so much is known about irreducible representations of supersymmetry without reference to specific actions and classical equations of motion. This is true even in the 1 d case. I mention this in [4], but do not address it in anyway. Note the reference given.


Typically, finding irreducible representations amounts to finding auxiliary fields and applying the classical equations of motion. Understanding off-shell supersymmetries is far less studied and quite hard.


Interestingly, Gates Jr. et.al. relate the formulation in terms of Adinkras to "Doubly-Even Error-Correcting Codes", which I know nothing about [3]. But it is interesting that come very clever computing has anything to do with supersymmetry. Exactly what the long term implications of this are, who knows?




[1] Faux, Michael; Gates, S. J. (2005). Adinkras: A graphical technology for supersymmetric representation theory. Physical Review D 71


[2] K. Burghardt, S. J. Gates Jr. A Computer Algorithm For Engineering Off-Shell Multiplets With Four Supercharges On The World Sheet, Univ. of Maryland Preprint PP-012-016 (2012).


[3] C. F. Doran, M. G. Faux, S. J. Gates Jr., T. Hübsch, K. M. Iga, G. D. Landweber, R. L. Miller, Codes and Supersymmetry in One Dimension, arXiv:1108.4124v1 [hep-th] (2011).


[4] A. J. Bruce, Contact structures and supersymmetric mechanics, arXiv:1108.5291v4 [math-ph] (2012).

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