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Peer Reveiw and Copyright?


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I`ve recently more or less completed an idea and it`s workings.

it can be basicly



A non Newtonian motion Drive, and/or an Inertial Damper, the use is for in Space (Zero G) and idealy for Service robots/Tool carriers on EVAs, both perfectly operationaly with or without an atmosphere.


now I`de Love to share this idea and it`s simplicity with you all, but it`s Original and not used (Unless Nasa or Area 51 are holding back on us).


what would you reccomend I do?


and no, I have no cash for a patent!

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Be very, very careful. If it has genuine merit it could easily be purloined. [On the plus side we know that everyone who posts here, apart from yourself YT, is pretty dumb, so they are unlikely to a) recognise the value of the idea, b)have the brains to do anything with it.icon7.gif]

I have discussed with a colleague who has looked into this in the past. He had three suggestions:

1) Be very, very careful.

2) Before discussing the idea with anyone get them to sign a confidentiality agreement that not only prohibits them from doing anything with the idea or portions of the idea without your written permission but also prevents them discussing it with other parties.

3) The patent office in the UK has an 0800 help line number. Call them and get advice.

He also thought this idea of mine could have some merit.

4) Get all your ideas documented as thorougly as possible and have a them notarised. That will mean you have legal proof that the ideas were in your posession by such and such a date.


Steps 2) and 2) could be challenged in court by a company, and they would have the financial muscle to win. So, you need to make a key judgement of the type of people you choose to reveal this to.


Hope this provides some ideas. Good luck.

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"A non Newtonian motion Drive, and/or an Inertial Damper, the use is for in Space (Zero G) and idealy for Service robots/Tool carriers on EVAs, both perfectly operationaly with or without an atmosphere."


Wow, sounds cool! I think I can hear a big check from NASA/similar coming... :)

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It does, and thanx both, from a quick read of the site Sayo provided, I`m a bit screwed from the get go with regards to Copyright, Ideas can`t be Copyrighted :(


so it`s Patent only, and I`ve not the financial clout to do that.


getting it Notorised is a great idea though, IIRC, your Doctor or Vicar or Solicitor can do this for you? (A notarary Public or something like that).


I`ve nothing on paper yet, only back of an envelope type sketches and a few calcs.


I don`t wish to make Money from it or even produce it (it would be useless on Earth with Gravity anyway).

I would like a mention for it if Nasa decided to use them on and around the ISS though! :)


I wondered if posting the Idea on here with the DB date stamps would be legal as to Who wrote it 1`st. and I`de rather not pay kazillions on a patent only to find the idea`s flawed in some way (although I can`t see were any flaw could exist, as the idea`s too simple).


Rock and Hard place :(

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Well bear in mind you can't patent "doing X", only "method for doing X", so a lot of patents turn out to be useless anyway after a couple of years of hard reverse engineering ;)


With enough evidence to support you as the inventor, you could probably hand this off to a body like NASA and receive full credit. Just make sure it does what it says on the tin first, because if they need to redesign parts of it you'll end up sharing credit.

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well there`s no Actual "Parts" per se, I know that sounds a tad awkward, I mean it in the sense that I may say "A battery" or "A Motor" but non specific Values.


it`s basic Principal/Idea or combination of Known Physics principals that I wish to claim. I`de give it to them for Free, that side doesn`t interest me, Seeing it work and doing it`s "Thing", maybe have them Called "YT Drones" or something cool would just Rock though :)


does anyone have the email address of a Nasa contact that would be prepared to Listen?

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the Individual parts work just great, the combined effect should make no difference either as the principals remain the same.

it makes little difference on Earth unless on a large scale, but one of these cubes would work fantasticly in space! even for sat guidance/correction.


it`s a 720 degree Absolute Motion Anchor with the ability to "Swim". I can`t say anymore than that really.


edit: in a nutshell it exploits the Exact reason that Perpetual Motion doesn`t work, using the "Losses" for Linear motion :)

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a conservation of energy law used in conversion of Angular to linear momentum.


I`m no expert and so I can`t quote the law or number of it, I just know it works in real terms. and the "losses" are never regained by reset and so it moves and stays put, as if the Perpetual motion thingy existed, then a resat would just take it back to the original position in space, and we KNOW that`s not possible :)


basicly it "Swims" :)

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it`s electricaly powered, and the outside of the Cube or Sphere if 100% solar pannel covered, apart from access screws.


when stationary in Zero G, a top-up charge of 200ma is all thats needed, the rest goes towards Batt charging for when movement is required.


max load shouldn`t be more than 2 amps at any given time.

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getting it Notorised is a great idea though' date=' IIRC, your Doctor or Vicar or Solicitor can do this for you? (A notary Public or something like that).


([/quote']Solicitor or Notary Public. The last time I had something done was about five years ago and I think it cost £10.00. If there are several documents or a ton of pages it could be a little more.

Since your primary objective is not about making money you can be a little more open with the idea. I would still recommned not exposing it to public gaze till you have something about it in writing and witnessed.


Come on guys, someone out there must know somebody at NASA, or their cousin. We are each linked to everyone else on the planet by a chain of only four or five people. Let's ferret out a contact for YT.

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First off, you should write down the details of your idea, post them through the mail to yourself and leave them sealed with the postmark. This used to be called a poor man's copyright. It won't give you much beyond proof that you had this idea on a certain date, but it could be helpful if someone down the line says they had the same idea. This should be done quickly no matter what else you decide to do.


Second, you can get an investor to spend the money it takes to get a utility patent and buld a prototype. DON'T get a design patent. Those are only good for wiping your... feet on. Anyone can change a bit of your design that doesn't affect the operation and get around your design patent.


Your investor should be someone who knows you and your capabilities and should look at this as a risk based on potential only. You can work up an agreement that cuts them in for a percentage. The percentage should be based on how much risk they are willing to take. If they want a guarantee of repayment, 2-5% might be appropriate. If they are willing to fund you and write it all off if it doesn't succeed, maybe 15-25% is warranted.


This is exciting! I wish you the best in this endeavor.

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the Post through mail with a newspaper front page is already in the planning, if I rem correctly I gave the same advice to someone else on here not too long ago also :)


I`de like peer reveiw 1`st though, before I submit or pay significant cash into this (I seriously do NOT have money to "Waste" (other "projects" in the pipeline)).


I`ll get my Ass covered 1`st with proff, then I`ll share here, and with Nasa if I get a good mail addy with someone in a position to decide or pass it on :)


edit: that main thing that worries me is that the idea is So simplistic in essence that I`m wondering if it`s been done tried and rejected already?

Jakiri said it sounds Ineffecient, it IS! that`s the great part about it! the more Inefficient, the better it works :)


but it`s too damn simple! someone HAS to have though of this before!?/

I don`t know Jack Sh!t about Physics really.

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unfortuately even if you patent it,some other country will steal it....probably US there is no protection for you sorry
There are foreign patents available. In fact, one route you might look into is getting someone to back you on a US patent in exchange for rights to foreign patents. That is assuming your biggest deal might be with NASA. I don't know if you have to be a US citizen to claim a patent in the US, but I don't think that is the case.
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well I`ll give a few days.


during this time I`ll get the ppers/designs drawn up and signed then sealed and posted.


by then I hope to have an email addy of a Nasa employeee that may be of help to me, I`ll subject my idea to their reveiw board, and take it from there, I have enough faith in Human Nature that if it`s a workable idea, they`ll give me a mention anyway, it`s not like it`s going to cost them anything to do it! :)


and if they use it, it`ll save them considerable cash anyway, so a name`s going to be nothing to them :)

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Be very, very careful. If it has genuine merit it could easily be purloined. [On the plus side we know that everyone who posts here, apart from yourself YT, is pretty dumb, so they are unlikely to a) recognise the value of the idea, b)have the brains to do anything with it.]


A wise man once said: "I'm not dumb! You are! So there!" :P


I don't have anything constructive to add here YT but I do want to wish you luck with your idea! I am very interested to hear how it unfolds, keep us posted. :)

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  • 2 months later...

ok, here`s the Situ...


I STILL need an email addy that doesn`t come up with this "Sorry, this CGI is only available to sites hosted with EarthLink, Inc.


Please visit: http://www.earthlink.net/biz/hosting/ to explore EarthLink Web Hosting and E-Commerce Packages. " kinda garbage.


I thought I`de try British aerospace before Nasa. using this link: http://www.aviationworldservices.com/avconsul.htm


I`ve decided against the copyright stuff, I`m not interested in a "Get Rich" thing, just having these devices used to help out would make me happy enough :)


so, anyone got a link or addy that I can use to present this to the right people (pref British firstly) ?

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I don't know if this has been said but a patent only covers you worldwide for 12 months then its a free for all. Make sure you are in a good position before you release any info. World wide patents have to be arranged country by country using their own process and some will stall you as long as they can to get it off you. It costs a fortune so you would want t be making plenty from as close to day one as you can. Have a solicitor draw up a disclosure agreement for people to sign before they even view your idea. Make the patent as general as they will allow to cover you against people making minor changes to get round your patent.

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