Salonis Posted November 26, 2012 Posted November 26, 2012 (edited) Take a taste! The introductory part of a comprehensive treatiseSocrates vision of kvarton universe Socrates hypothesis ofkvarton's universe, I hope that a sufficiently credible solves centurycontroversy éterists with relativists. Age-old rivalry of the two camps hascreated an ideological trench mutual misunderstanding of reality: Relativistsnever failed to causally explain the existence of such as limit velocity, norknown dielectric properties of "emptiness" - the vacuum. In contrast,supporters of the ether are unable to causally explain its two apparentlyantagonistic properties: the ability to transmit electromagnetic waves also thehighest frequency which is often associated with ultra-high-densityhypothetical aether particles, while passing with zero resistance materialbodies through this ultradense environment. Socrates solution to all these ambivalenceand of both views on vacuum is a newperspective on the relationship of material objects and physical fabric ofspace. This view formulates this definition: Matter, (mass), appears in the space wherever parityis violated balanced antipodial materialelements constituting the structure of the physical vacuum. This is the alpha kvartonovéphysics! Socrates' conception don't speculate of yet unknown properties of theinternal structure of these elements that is based on a pragmatic recognitionthat these protoelements show a basic ability to materially affect each otherand bonded together to create the system. Such a fundamental bonded systemcoupled with a mutual saturation effect of four primary antipodeanprotoelements is still hypothetical kvarton,as the basic unit of physical space. That is why it is at the very base Socrateskvarton's protofyziky. Fatal error of postLorentz's physics,which have shifted to contemporary physics to physmatics until the physmysticswas confusing interpretation of results M-M experiment. The error, however, atthe time stemmed from very vague to the mystical concept of "filler"space. At that time the idea of filling the ether, as foreign, immaterialsubstance, without causal links and organic material objects couldn't lead to controversylessunderstanding of M-M experiment.Primitive idea these physicists that around the globe flying through solidether must "whistle ether wind" necessarily have to end the generalfeeling of frustration and destroy the pillars of classical physics,culminating in Einsteinian relativity of everything, ie denial of theuniversality of the material fabric of space. In their apology, it should benoted that the material had no clue about the material nature and structure ofthe gravitational field. It was clear to them that if the hypotheticalgravitational field "accompany" each body as it moves through space,but did not realize that along with the outer layer of the globe rotates, thestructure of the gravitational field generated by the outer layer. What wonderthat rotating material environment showed of Michelson interferometer associated with a rotating globe no"ether wind"? Rotating luminiferous environment with structure of thegravitational field and element of interferometer,were to each other in peace! Even on this hypothesis is based Socrates'gravitational field structures. Another situation is Sagnac experiment.There is evidently does local motion of rotating Sagnac equipment to luminiferous structure of the gravitational field.And so there is also a shift of interference fringes, proportional to relativemotion (rotation) Sagnac device to structure gravitional field! Another type of"evidence" that there is no ether was an attempt by physicistsTrouton and Noble with freely suspendedcharged capacitor. Here again, there is no factual capacitor plates movetowards kvarton's gravitational structure, which is necessary for the emergenceof "additional" magnetic field. Einstein's idea of totalrelativity for decades froze and suppressed fundamental research materialstructure of vacuum. When it became relativistic models of relations and inparticular the interactions between elementary particles unsustainable, devisedthe Einstein's followers first the wave mechanics, later promoted to quantummechanics. A mystical physics occurred in the virtual. Mr. Heisenbergsanctified to virtuáls their limited existence, according to the model dressed/ undressed and laws of conservation given to tails'; off course within theHeisenberg uncertaintys. Real particles could arbitrarily short time to"produce" any tangible, but the device "elusive" virtualparticles and at the same time is also absorb (How does the mechanism ofemission and absorption of virtuals that from quantum physicists you would notknow to this day). About sensible person asks: why? Why should real elementaryparticles of its own material substance produce and emit in all directions ofspace miriad of virtual photons everyconceivable "weight categories"? Nobody yet not count how manyphotons such as weights, thus constantly produces a single electron to be justto replace with another remote elementary particle his slight impulse? Whatpart of the emission spectrum "produced" photons "allscales" hit the remote particle? Even better: quantum physicists do not know who and with what mechanism returns theunimaginably vast mass of unused virtual photons back to the emitting particle. This senseless antiphysicumcaused Einstein's negation of existence real material structure of the physicalvacuum. His adherence to the dogmas of the reciprocity of relativistic effects,dilation and contraction of supremacy relative movement as the only objectivecategory of movement. Socrates kvarton's hypothesis space transparently andfairly causally explains the physical nature of gravity without speculative,immeasurable folding geometry of space. Logically explains the so-calledwave-particle 'behavior of elementary particles without the necessarymathematical "crutch" of the wave function and its anticausality collapse.Illustrates the physical nature of the movement of all elementary particles andtheir mutual interactions without the help of mystical virtual of all kinds, aswell as so-called decay and transform of elementary particles, withoutintermediate boson, without the (humanities) „birth" and annihilation. Thispilot Socrates' discourse is now gradually complemented with vivid animationsof several types of "decay",transmutation and interactions of "elementary" particles in separatevideoenclosures, (see a list of all files in the Socrates web In Socrates physics the fourhypothetical material objects, protoelements never not disappear nor is born;they only to change the form of their mutual coexistence. To describe the worldSocrates needn't now yet several hundred various ways boxed and diversifiedso-called elementary particles, or multiple colors, redolence, and weirdness ofquarks, nor need renormalisation endless physical values resulting from thepostulates of QED and GTR nor relativistic paradoxes of STR. The whole ofkvartonphysics for a description of the "world" is sufficient to fourinvariant, ie "eternal", material protoelements with three typesantipodity theirs physical propertiesare not transferable. All this applies in particular to protohysics, ie thematerial structure of space and elementary particles. Follow-physics of atomicnuclei, atoms, molecules, solid state physics and applied physics in all fieldsremain in effect unchanged! Socrates physics kvarton's universe yet does nothave enough experimental information on the morphology or internal structureprotoelements whose existence postulates. Pragmatically it can be assumed thatthey are material objects subnuclear size (R < 10-18 m), with direct material linksto expected subkvarton's structure of space, which mediates interactions betweenneighboring protoelements and kvartons. About this substructure physical vacuum(subkvarton "ocean", or second basement), it is premature tospeculate somehow without relevant new experimental data; will be need to befurther "dive" into the depths of kvarton's "ocean".Perhaps one day, inadvertently, contribute ongoing massive "cutting andsplitting" kvarton's vacuum structure in ever bigger accelerators. Do theyrealize, that all those scientists' experiments at these massive"blindfolded" is? I do not think that their naive"demolish" the structure of the vacuum to be launched chaindismantling of the entire universe, but yet never be too careful, right? Whatif that kind of non-binding, playing 'once someone started the Big Bang? Sequence of chapters 1Adjustable current misunderstood 2 Kvartons, kvartons, all kvartons 3 Ether versus kvartony, 4 paradoxicalparadoxes 5 Kingdom of metaphysics -virtuals 6 Elementary particles is when ... 7 Where wears elem. the massparticles? 8 Crazy promiscuity elem.particles 9 Everyone wears a uniform ofcharge 10 Mysterious games ondoubleslot 11 Adventures in Harvard water tower 12What Cepheids tell us? 13 Public Secrets Core 14Gravimony 15 Grated "remote"of photons The entire set of texts can be found on Socrates pages Edited November 27, 2012 by CaptainPanic Turned down the volume of the post.
Salonis Posted November 27, 2012 Author Posted November 27, 2012 On 11/27/2012 at 12:47 AM, ACG52 said: I find this to be pretty well unreadable. Please compare this deformed article with the original in enclosure . Press the button "Otevřít" Take a taste.docFetching info...
Salonis Posted November 30, 2012 Author Posted November 30, 2012 Misunderstood breakthrough Machine translation Many years before the publication of Einstein's doctrines STR, physicists was known physical phenomenon called inconspicuously: sliding current.This unobtrusive and purely pragmatic name for the phenomenon, as the appendix of Maxwell's equations, covering misunderstood, an epochal essence of discovery. For the ignorant only a short description: in the circuit the power source is plug in the plate capacitor. Physicists at the old experiments with him noticed that when the capacitor is charged with electric curent,appears in the space between the plates measurable circular magnetic field pervading the entire cross-section area between the plates. The same magnetic field (but with the opposite vector H) can be measured even when is charged or discharged capacitor. Both magnetic fields are the same as any normal magnetic field existing around the wires which the capacitor is charged and discharged. It can therefore say that the magnetic field around the wire, continues in the space between the plates, creating along the circuit, source - capacitor, toroidal continuous "tube" of magnetic field. This is by no means surprising, experiments with dielectric bodies embedded between the plates origin of magnetic fields in them confirmed and we knows why. Notable is mainly that it does not matter if it is among the capacitor plates a dielectric substance, or just totally empty, intangible space, a true "clean" vacuum. In dielectrics body, it was clear to all: the change in voltage on the plates of the capacitor in parallel changes the size of the dielectric polarization, which is caused by a classic counter-fed motion electric charges in atoms bonded dielectric. (In reality, it only spatial displacement of negatively charged electrons within the atomic lattice of dielectric) And when the charges move somewhere always around their track appears the circular magnetic field. No problem. But what an empty vacuum? Why there also appears a magnetic field? Indeed, according to relativists and classics physicists there is nothing tangible, let alone an electric charges! Instead, physicists have to say, beware!, There is also something about moving, They resolved that the magnetic field arises even just around variable electric field. Yes, of course there is, but that's only half the truth. For the whole truth is necessary to ask: what is actually different, empty 'space in which it is distributed electrostatic field from the same empty space without this field? Or else, what changes in the empty space when I put in that an electric charge? Classics replies: creates an electric field around it. I ask: what physical process has created this electric field? What answers the classics? He does not know, just there, „somehow", came after inserting the electric charge. This is not an answer worthy of Physics 21st century! It's time to tell you what happens in dielectric polarization. When approaching the free electrical charge to dielectric it move electrically bonded charges inside the atoms (Objective electrons). Among the displaced negativ charge and positively charged core in atoms produce additional coupling electric field and around the polarization movement of electrons within the dielectric formed as a measurable magnetic field. So, thisis quite simple. It is a closed circle of cause and effect. approaching charge → countercurrent displacement charges → coupled electric and magnetic fields. The magnetic field, however, arises only when charges real motion. If the charges are at rest, even though between them is the static electric field, a magnetic field is zero! It would therefore be more than reasonable to assume that as well as the vacuum is a kind of dielectric material and also contains some way coupled electric charges. Why not?! We did read a long time ago, i.e. by Professor Rydnik, that the electric charge to be inserted "intangible" vacuum this "clean" vacuum electrically polarized. This means that it takes a hypothetical electric charge(see the following ideas of Rydnik V.I.). Without the participation of electric charges does not make sense to talk about the electric polarization! What is it that moves in vacuo at its polarization when polarizing means to move the charges? But the real electric charges, they say, not in a vacuum. Is anyone able to guess this? Nature, of course, already knows, only people are the last people blind. It is high time to stick his head out of the sand! No one else do it for us! Therefore, I offer to all, so far only led to believe that the vacuum is filled with something, the way of Dirac ocean fied of Smolin' "building" objects of vacuum, but not in a state of negative energy as once Dirac expected, but very real physical objects. Ideally,all of these objects have physically the zero state and inside them are mutually bound by four basic,protoelements and two of which bears antipodean unit electric charge.Due to the content of the four elements Socrates called these, yet hypothetical objects - kvartons. Meanwhile us, to describe the accompanying "displacement current" is sufficient to assume that each pair of electric charges inside kvartons is bound by free electric charges on the capacitor plates to pulled out of their positions in spherical kvartons. Kvartons spherical shape with this stretch along the lines of the connector the plates (from a football ball becomes in to rugby ball). And it is this spatial transformation of spherical ball shape on an oval ball that represents the polarization movement of electrical charges within kvartons. In any case, the displacement current and the magnetic field is a flagrant proof that the vacuum itself is infinite"ocean" of material objects which are bound the carriers of electric charges. Nothing more, but nothing less! On conclusive evidence of essence of slide current is based the hypothesis of Socrates' kvarton physics presented at Please open the attached chart of vacuum polarization and its fill - kvartons. attachment to sliding electric curent.docFetching info...
swansont Posted December 1, 2012 Posted December 1, 2012 ! Moderator Note Threads merged. One thread per subject, please.
Salonis Posted December 4, 2012 Author Posted December 4, 2012 Thanks to inovation. Totally destroyed both my articles!
swansont Posted December 6, 2012 Posted December 6, 2012 ! Moderator Note updated thread at
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