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Environmental science


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This might sound a little odd, but I need to interview someone who is in the environmental science field. I am taking a human development class for career exploration, and I need to interview someone that is in the field of work that I am interested in. The person that I had lined up cancelled on me today, and it is too short notice to get a hold of anyone else in my area. My paper is due this Friday.

I've looked around online and I'm hopeful that someone in this community would be able to give me some of their time. I'm not sure what specific field I want to go into, but so far I've come up with Park Ranger (or something along those lines) or working for Fish and Wildlife. I am very open to hearing anything about it since it is such a broad field.


My interview questions are:

1. Could you describe a day in the field?

2. What kind of schooling did you complete? Any local schools that you would recommend (if you are near the Pacific Northwest, if not, ignore this part)?

3. Do you have any suggestions or tips for someone who is interested in environmental studies?

4. Is there a lot of travel involved?

5. Would you be working with other people a lot?

6. What do you like most about your job?

7. Are there many opportunities for advancement?

8. Is there any sort of demand for people in this field?


Thank you! (and sorry if this is posted in the wrong area)

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