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Are you evil?


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When I was younger, I used to sacrifice grasshoppers to the Elder Gods. Iä! Iä!


Also, when I see an elderly person reaching for a slots machine, I run as hard as I can to tackle him/her and get to play before the bugger.

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to give an Honest Post to your question, No I don`t think I`m evil at all.

in fact I can think of things I`ve done wrong, by Accident, or through ignorance. but non other that one that was genuinely "Evil" (In my opinion).


there was this kid that used to hang around with me and my mate all the time, a Real Pest! we`de ofetn do our best to avoid him in any way possible (we`re only around the 14ish age here).


anyway, we decided to get rid of him! as we had some Pyro experiments planned for the next few days and all we needed was HIM running off and telling tales!


so we went into my mates medicine cabinet, took 4 of his mons sleeping pills and 6 Raspberry flavored laxatives tablets, crushed them up, mixed them with milk and poured it into an empty Rasberry Milkshake bottle.

we took it out with us along with 2 other UNTREATED bottles.

a short while later who came along but our little shadow again!


we dished out the milkshake as a "Friendly Gesture".


nothing happened for about half hour, but we`de slowly taken a walk along the canal towards his house, he wanted to show us a New Video "Mary Bloody Poppins" of all things :(((


needless to say, we got about 20 mins into it, and guess who fell asleep!


he was out cold for a good 18+ hours solid, and never made it to the toilet when he woke up!


the bit that makes me feel so bad is that this Guy was the DJ at my Wedding Reception and didn`t charge us because I was such a Good Mate when we were younger :(((


I`de rather he`de have kicked our heads in, than say that to me some 20 years later.

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No, I'm not evil. When I was a child, I did some evil things, but they were unintentional. The worst things I can remember involved my dad's poultry.


There were two roosters in the pen - one of them was huge, and the other was small and scrawny. One day, when I was nearby, the big rooster crowed and I crowed back at him. Apparently the big rooster had issued a challange to the smaller one and I had answered it for him.


The big rooster ran over to the small one, jumped on it, and spurred and pecked it. The poor thing hadn't a clue as to what had happened.


The other thing also involved the big rooster. It was mean, and whenever I was collecting eggs, it would leap on me from behind and claw me with its spurs.


After having my legs raked several times I decided it would try to make it afraid of me. I was unaware that it was a game rooster and would fight to the death. I donned my dad's hunting boots and canvas hunting coat, grabbed a crab net (picture a basket ball hoop with the bottom sewed closed which has been affixed to a six foot stick), and entered the hen pen.


When the rooster came at me, I caught him in the net, swung him around my head a couple of times, and let fly. He went rolling ass over teacups across the hen pen and fetched up against the chicken coop. I thought he would leave me alone, but he got up, dusted himself off, and came after me again.


This happened a couple of more times - he was literally staggering, but still fighting. The last time I caught him, I stuck him momentarily in the rain barrel - not to drown him, but just to bedraggle him. It was too much for him, when I dumped him out of the crabnet, he rolled over on his back and died.


When my parents found out what I had done, they were flabbergasted - they didn't know I could be so wicked.


I guess it goes to show that you can push me but so far, and then I will retaliate, and when I do, you better look out.

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