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I have no degree or masters I am a trained carpenter and now a top class chef so please be gentle.

I have become interested in theoretical physics and have learnt a few things in my spare time mainly from you tube.

so would like to ask if we exist in an infinate amount of universe's but someone finds out how to unify them wouldn't we therefore be able ourselves to predetermine our outcomes and as I am lead to believe would be detrimental!!!.

As I say I am a little fish in a big pond and do not even understand the equations you guys use or have any knowledge really but I would like to learn and hey I can hang your doors and cook you food and underdstand string theory so take it easy on me


oh and for the record my grandfather was a botanist named herbert street so gene's are pretty good in my family.

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I am...a top class chef.

It looks like we got a caterer for the next SFN meetup!



so would like to ask if we exist in an infinate amount of universe's but someone finds out how to unify them wouldn't we therefore be able ourselves to predetermine our outcomes and as I am lead to believe would be detrimental!!!.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say, but those beings in other universes wouldn't be you. They'd be like an identical twin loaded with memories similar but not quite identical to yours. I'm not sure why you think you could "predetermine our outcomes" or what that even means.

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what im saying is if we could document the outcomes of our actions in all the other universes by elimintation we could predict our own futures in this universe but if we can predetermin our own lives we no longer have free will and would cease to exist


and I would be honoured to cater for you

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2 identical items can't not exist.

most easy way to understand this.


for one second you see the Universe as a computer game.

chef you are Unique item 001A , when i copy you, and in the same construct and past your program, *in theory a identical item*, your second self become Unique item 001B.

unique 001B, can't never be unique 001A, or one of those must never exist at all.



so in reality, matrix movie looks more like reality, then reality looks to us.

Edited by abisha
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I am an architect, so I need doors & food.

Few here are physicists so always beware the answers you get.


IMHO the multiverse idea is a misinterpretation.


Some physicists have argued that for a photon to travel in straight line from point A to B, in fact the photon travel all possible paths throughout the entire Universe, (see Fermat principle & quantum electrodynamics here) but that all those incredibly strange paths cancel out so that the only remaining one is the straight one. the argument states that all those paths are not only mathematical concepts but that theses are really paths happening in reality.


From this statement some other people have created the concept that for each event happening in our universe, all other possibilities must also happen 'somewhere else" in another universe.


The flaw IMHO is that in the photon concept, the entire set of other paths are not exactly 'possibilities", they are "impossibilities" because they cancel out (and they aresupposedly part of our universe). That's the reason why they don't really happen. IOWwhat we call the "other possibilities" are not "possibilities" because if they were happening, they would cancel and the universe in which they are happening would collapse.


In order to get a "parallel universe" in which there is a another Chef-carpenter, this other universe must work out.


I am not a partisan of the multiverse,

Edited by michel123456
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