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These are my thoughts, and only a work in progress. I have a grasp of the physical world and wish not to offend. Comment by all means...


In my world, the Universe is expanding, the galaxies orbit each other, the stars orbit the centers of galexies, the planets orbit the stars and the moons orbit the planets. But when an apple falls,... there is no gravity to pull it to the ground. Still, the planets rotate and the tides still flow in and out.


How is this all possible without gravity?


It is possible because empty space, is not empty! Empty space is not a vaccuum. It is a matrix of magnetically charged, monopolar particles. These particals are all of an alike charge, and are repelling eachother, creating pressure.


What was it like before the universe created matter, in the beginning?


The universe was at one point in a static state, existing as two matricies. One bound to the other, through magnetic attraction. One matrix of positively charged point particles, and the other, of negatively charged point particles

Unable to to get close to their opposites, repelled by their own kind.


One of the positively charged particals suddenly shifted close enough to a negatively charged partical. The attraction overpowered the repultion, and it attatched itself to the closest negative partical.The first bi-polar magnet was formed.(light,energy,magnetism) The matricies began to collaps due to the inbalance. Another pair formed, then another. Chainreacting faster and faster, slowly ripping apart the matricies, as the pairs formed. It was this chain reaction that began existence.

Because the negative charge is slightly stronger than the positive charge, pairs became trios, with one negative particle and two positive particles.


With these newly formed trios being of a slightly greater, positive charge, stray pairs were often attracted and chains of five particles formed. These new particle chains are what formed the first element like hydrogen. As the number of elemental particle chains (atoms) increased, so did the number of lone, negative particals." There is always one less negative point particle than positive ones", except in the cases of a partical loops, which will be breifed shortly. And for every atom, there is a negative partical surplus of one. So, for instance, if three positive particals are needed, for every two negative ones, a lone negative partical is left behind .


How were the first stars formed without gravity?


With each particle chain having two negative particles, they are repelled greater by the ever increasing number of lone negative particles. The more lone negative particles in a given space, the greater the negative charge. When the chain reaction finally comes to rest, the universe is now made up of matter chains (matter) and negatively charged, lone point particles.


The chains are less repulsed by one another than the lone particles, so they are slowly coalesced together by the external pressure of the negative particles surrounding them. The negative, repulsive feild, grows stronger, and stronger with every added negative particle. As more and more chains of matter are pushed together, so increases the empty space surrounding it. This empty space is now a negatively charged particle field, free of almost all matter . As the negative particles begin to dominate this area, so do the repulsive forces within it (two negative particles will repell matter greater than one, and three more than two, and so on)


This external pressure increases and begins to apply pressure on the vast collections of matter, squeezing them together.

The pressure being exerted on the centers of the particle masses, is increased the closer you get to the center of said mass. Each matter particle is squeezed by the pressure of every matter partical surrounding it. The closer to the center of the mass, the more matter is repelled to that point, from outside said mass. The pressure puts the matter particles in close enough proximity to eachother, that they combine. Hydrogen turns to helium. Now matter consists of three negatives, and four positives. When that happens, a pair of particles is thrust outward and into space. A positive/negative pair, thrust out as energy. A star is born.


As the star increases in size, it becomes more and more dense, and the external pressure increases, forming heavier and heavier elements until is tries to forn iron. then it explodes. The negitive pressure field causes these new chunks of debri material to amalgamate into planets and the likes. The longer the matter chains grow, as each new heavier element if formed, the more apt is the external pressure to cause the longer strands to be turned in on themselves from the pressure, and connect, forming a loop (possibly a four dimentional string theory forming here) and releasing a single positive particle. This particle attaches itself immediately to the closest two pairs, reforming into hydrogen. It is the pressure of the negative particle field of space, squeezing matter together, that creates the illusion of gravity.


How do tides work without gravity?


As one star draws closer to another, the outside negative particle field becomes weaker between the two, and the negative particle field on all other sides of the stars continue to push in on them, forcing the two together. (when bubbles get to close to one another, in a lava lamp, they will combine, until the surrounding pressure is equalized) As with the stars, the negative partical field strength between the earth and the moon is decreased , allowing the centrifugal forces of the spinning earth to push the oceans outward causing the tides.


What is energy?


Energy is everything we see as light or feel as heat. Energy is the interaction between negative and positive. Energy can be either in motion or static and it always and only consists of two particles. One negative and one positive, forming a magnet. Energy is all around us, and is emitted through chemical reactions and magnetic interaction.


What is magnetism?


As the creation of new elements, sheds off a negative/positive pair. Negative/positive pairs can be added to create new elements. A negative/positive pair in motion, collides as light. All point particles are of either negative or positive polarity, monopolar. Only a negative/positive pair has a bipolar flux and can be as a magnet having a positive end and a negative one. A negative/positive pair without motion is fixed to other negative/positive pairs, in a finite chain or magnetic flux, creating a magnetic field. They keep their distance from eachother through repulsion (the negative end repells other negatives, greater than the positives attract them). As these chains lengthen, they are repelled away from each other at the ends. Loops eventualy connect on the outer edges and negative meets positive to create a magnetic field.


What is electricity?


Electrical power is the effect of adding negative/positive pairs, to an already closed system of elements. The only way to add to it is by the creation of a different element, or storing it in the space between the spaces, within certain matter. It can only store so much. Everything powered by electricity has one of three purposes, to expell negative/positive pairs and bombard as light, to slowely radiate negative/positive pairs out as heat, or to transfer negative/positive pairs, to create a magnetic feild elsewhere

Therefore light and magnetic feilds must be made of the same material, one is in motion, transferring in and out of material, while the other is static. They are both also invisible, you can't see a magnetic field with the naked eye, nor can you see light particles flying through the air. In a star the particles being ejected from the surface follow closely the magnetic flux lines because they are bound slightly to the flux lines due to their similar makeup. when the capacity is too great, the flux lines grow long and snap , they expell slower moving negative/positive pairs, somwhere between mangetic feild structure, and light travelling speed, lies plasma. Plasma has the same makeup as the other two, but their rate of travel is slower, as they travel through the negative particle feild and pass by elements. They can be seen travelling along at different wavelengths (or speeds if you will).


What is light?


Light is the energy that radiates from the sun, or a lightbulb, or even things that are hot, like fire and lava, and is the effect we see when a negative/positive pair that is in motion collides with matter and combines with that matter and sends a new pair back out. Light is the result of energy entering then leaving a system. As fusion within a star occurs, a negative/positive pair breaks free from one elemental particle as it connects with another elmental particle to create a heavier element. Because it is less densely packed together then all the other material within the star, this pair is cast out of the denser material and off into space. The partical pairs escape the sun and, unable to connect with any of the lone negative particles in space, travel, riding eddie currents produced by the attraction and repultion they create, while passing through this field. These pairs travel in waves as they are repelled through space by the monopolar negative particles. The only difference between artificial light and the natural forms of light, are what fuels, or elements, or particles are being introduced under pressure to release the negative/positive pairs. Only when the light particles hit your retina, do they become visible. Light particles shooting away from you are invisible. What we see as vision is the bombardment of negative/positive pairs hitting our retina at different speeds, and in different quantities and pressures.


When it comes to artificial light, you need a magnetic field, to force energetic pairs into a closed system of elements and release them through chemical reaction.


How are orbits possible without gravity?


The heavenly bodies are being pushed towards one another because, the pressure between them, is less then anywhere else around them. Their magnetic feilds are aligned, and repel, pushing them apart.


So, as for the forces of gravity, the strong and weak nuclear force, quantum mechanics, and dark matter and energy, do they even exist.......?


It is a matrix of magnetically charged, monopolar particles.


Except that we don't see any such magnetically charged particles.

Posted (edited)


It is a matrix of like charged, magnetic particals.




Which have still never been detected.


A lot of word salad, and right off the bat it doesn't conform to observed reality.


This all belongs in speculations. At best.

Edited by ACG52

Along side dark matter and string theory I presume? Undetectable and speculative. Thoughts and ideas are shared and discussed in forums. Mine are subject to scrutiny and I respect your opinion.

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