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Ask Grandma


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I am 55, been there, done that, got every kind of shirt you can imagine.


I f*ked up, big time. Regardless, I made my life worth living.


I don't know how much I can improve your life, but I am willing to give you perspective. Honest to God, from my own experience, perspective.


Now - you must realize that from "my own experience" doesn't mean that it is right for you. You have to decide that for yourselves.


I will tell you that my own mother lived to be 95. She had a marvelous mind and she taught me sooooo... very much. She died last year and I wish I had her with me now. When I was in high school, she said the same things, but I didn't listen. When I got older, and had the perspective of an adult, I realized just how sage her advice was. So, you see, you are not getting just the benefit of what I learned from the school of hard knocks, but what my mom and dad learned too.


This is my Christmas gift to you all. I don't have all the answers, but I will answer you to the best of my ability and research your questions. No holds barred.


Merry Christmas everyone.

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This is my Christmas gift to you all...


Thanks coquina.

You've got class.


what you are talking about----accuracy, knowing to research what

you're not sure or clear about, openness, directness----this is

where you are setting high standards by your posts


they help to set a standard of intellectual integrity

Ophi also, I think. and Skye, and others


also you are never mean.


I will try to meet that standard


it is a good holdiday gift. thanks again and have a Merry Christmas you too!



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