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Halo (danger canyon) glitch


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on halo: combat evolved (PC) multiplayer map danger canyon there is a glitch allowing players to go THROUGH the wall at their base to the other (enemy's) base.


how do you do it?


i know you need a ghost and friendly fire off, but i rarely manage to get anything and whenever i DO i just fall through the wall and die... how do you do it?

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if anyone does play halo multiplayer i am 'Jonathan'.


anyway, so i've just been exerimenting with some one called 'a bunny' and we found that it was very easy to do with 2 people... you just stand by the wall which connects the two bases and the other person rams you with a ghost into the wall, assuming friendly fire is off you will fall through the wall into the enemy base.


however i have read that you can do it one person, or solo... this is done by jumping off the ghost as you move towards the wall and making it whack into you, thus pushing you through, however sadly this knocks me through the wall and then i fall and die, where as if it was with 2 people you wouldnt.


extra details about the glitch:

it is to do with physics of the game not a glitch itself, therefore theoretically identical glitches could be elsewhere in the game and it'd be very hard to fix it, hence there's no patch for it (yet).

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