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Is the Speed of Light Governed by Negative Feedback?

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I'm wondering if it can be demonstrated mathematically that the speed of light is caused by negative feedback in
spacetime as a regulatory-feedback system. While no one to my knowledge has ever put it in those words before, Einstein appears to have have demonstrated this extremely well with General Relativity, relativistic mass, the Twin Paradox & more. I just don't know how to demonstrate that AB < 0, as well as the percentage of feedback.

The speed of light is ultimately determined by the Lorentz Factor, which shows that the relative velocity between two
observers is regulated via constancy in the frame of reference dt. This equation is as follows:




wherein γ, or gamma, calculates the change in time, dt, relative to the change in proper time, . Also, v is the relative velocity between these reference frames, and c is the speed of light. To then graph the Lorentz Factor, we have the following:




As a function of velocity, when v is 0, γ equals 1 and rises only slightly as relative speed increases. As v
approaches c, however, γ approaches infinity, making it impossible for information, waves or mass to travel faster than the speed of light.


With the numerator fixed at one, or unity, the stimulus in the Lorentz Factor is provided by its denominator LorentzFactorDenominator.jpg. When graphed separately (below, in red) the denominator, or , illustrates the manner in which time, relative to the first observer, slows down for the second as she accelerates toward c.




As revealed by the Twin Paradox, if the second observer was able to accelerate to the speed of light, relative to the first
observer time for her would be at a standstill and, in turn, y would be infinity. Because the Lorentz factor thus increases as proper time decreases, this graph reveals a negative link, or negative feedback, between as
the stimulus and y as the end result.


Moreover, because acceleration (A) leads to decreased proper time (B) and, in contrast, decreased proper time leads to
decreased acceleration, we appear to be granted the following diagram:




While greater velocity, or acceleration, provides the input, A, the Lorentz factor provides the output, which is of
course a product of decreased proper time, B. Because the Lorentz factor regulates velocity in this manner, it becomes increasingly difficult to accelerate an object whose interaction with time is approaching a standstill,
or τ = 0.


With that said, what I'm unsure of here are A and B and, in turn, how to demonstrate that AB < 0, therein proving that
c is governed via negative feedback.

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c = 1/(eo Uo )½


Where c = the speed of light, eo is the electrical permittivity of the vacuum and Uo is the magnetic permeability of the vacuum. This is derived, I believe, from Maxwell's equations.

Edited by Ophiolite
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