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What is light ?. The stereotipe answer is :electromagnetic waves. How comes that those waves bring in our ayes mass
particles that activate our ayes sensors (or Clainos) detectors)?. Again the stereotip answer is : light is made by photons,
those chunk of energy that transform in mass via Ejnstein. How it happen? what is the mecanism of transforming photons
in particles? and vice - versa? The answer is mull.
How come that from something ,in relative rest, pops the photon with an instant velocity C? The answer is mull.
For my opinion this confusion derive by denial of fact that reality is mater in form of mass Democritis particles ( the same for both common particles and photons) all ways in movement
(even in the stationary particles) with C velocity. The difference is in form of trajectories : spherical or helix.

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