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Can anyone help me find a site(or program) which allows me to create my own game (a simple one)?

I tried to google it,but i was lost and i really need to create a simple game to add it to my profile in my optional subject at school.

Thanks !


This depends, what programming skills do you have ? What type of game are you planning to make ?

I suggest you start with flash if you are a beginner.


well,first of all,let's be clear on this,i'm not a professional in this field.

my knowledge in the field of programming doesn't exceed my computer science lessons.

Second,and concerning the type of game i want to create,i prefer it to be simple(convenient to my modest level in programming) but also sufficiently nice to please my teacher.

Finally,i need some help with flash.

thanks !


I'd suggest GameMaker by Mark Overmars. It has a very friendly and interactive drag and drop interface. It is based on object orientated programming but you could also use its scripting language if you want to be more advanced. It also has an inbuilt sprite editor and a level editor which are all essential in making great 2D games.

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