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In this context think about the question – the one, who has the Conscience of so-called Aliens, a Conscience much higher than that of people, would he like to be in their place? Cowards, they have gone mad of fear. They cannot even understand the simplest thing: for the so-called aliens it’s extremely easy to destroy people, but somehow, no one has done that (and is not willing to).


Oh, what scoundrels they are to steal people… they need biomaterial, and then they send their roaches here, the silly ones to ruin a village… yet they know it how fractals work: you start from a village and later the whole Planet will get destroyed. PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! Stop blaming others for your own faults – the laws of the Space, which form Karma won’t leave a chance for anyone to suffer undeserved!!! Believe in God finally, why do you keep thinking He’s a villain and a silly one, who’s not able to punish the hated aliens. Please, don’t believe those, who haven’t understood the laws of Karma, who imagine wreckers in every corner.





Maybe God was thinking about us.

When it comes to aliens it's a question of good and bad

The good ones are here to save mankind as reported

by a contactee as interviewed below











  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe God was thinking about us.

When it comes to aliens it's a question of good and bad

The good ones are here to save mankind as reported

by a contactee as interviewed below












After reading your...Maybe GOD was thinking of us...and...Save Mankind statements...I guess I felt it was necessary to give you this bit of advice.


If you happen to be unfortunate enough to see some sort of unexplainable craft following you...hanging around in the hopes of meeting some E.T. under the assumption they have your best intrests at heart...IS NOT something I would recommend.


Run...run your ass off.


Split Infinity



What you see in his eyes is just a reflection of either someone standing with the camera...which is what I am guessing...or perhaps a camera stand as when lights are shined at a person when filming video...anything standing infront of that person where the lighting is behind the camera man or camera stand...so that the area directly facing the person is dark in shadow but all around him or it is light...you are going to get and be able to see EXACTLY what you see in this video.


Try it at home by placing a lamp with a 100 watt bulb without a shade behind a person taping you or stack a few boxes and place the camera on top and the light just behind it.


I promise you...you will get the same effect.


People have to be careful in that they do not become over zealous as far as wanting to believe or be associated to in some way...E.T. All that happens when outragious claims are stated with no proof...is the mainstream just moves farther away and labels ANYONE that might discuss the E.T. issue as KOOKS!


Split Infinity


Here's evidence of the reptilian agenda



How is that "evidence of the reptilian agenda" as opposed to evidence of (and hold on to something now) "reptilian cnn compilation demon eyes shapeshifter hologram video music singer tori amos annie lennox movie actor actress comedy kathy griffin facebook interview show scene morph proof 911 inside job false flag evil gulf oil spill david icke matrix alex jones bilderberg trilateral fed bernanke greenspan economic collapse zionist conspiracy obama deception police cops israel iran mossad cia nwo bush rockefeller rothschild illuminati reagan mason templar bohemian zeitgeist 2012 ascension chakra vampire alien ufo draco 666 cain kenite satan lucifer devil diablo fallen angel dragon serpent chemtrails orgone haarp mind control nephilim annunaki nibiru", that the video description states?


I can also cut together a bunch of news reels, add a slowdown/speedup effect as well as increase the brightness at times and add some ambiance to it. The video seems to be edited by a 6 year old.


The rest of your videos are also a mish-mash of nonsense, at best.

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