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Hey guys. I'm almost finished with my program but I can't figure out what's not working.


It works when I fill in the entries in the code but when I try to use the Scanner class to have a user input the characters, and then enter a space to stop, it doesn't work.


I'm guessing there's something wrong with my loop since when I debug, I can enter a letter once, it sets the first entry to that letter, but cannot keep going after that in debugger.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class CombinationLockTester {

	 * @param args
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		CombinationLock lock = new CombinationLock("ABC");
		Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
		String entryString = null;
		char entryChar = 0;
			entryString = scan.nextLine();
			entryChar = entryString.charAt(0);
		while(entryChar != ' ');
		//if space entered, try to open lock
		boolean didOpen = lock.openLock();
			System.out.println("The lock opened.");
			System.out.println("The lock did not open.");



/** A lock like object that opens when the correct 3 letter combination is entered.
 * @author roseka27
public class CombinationLock {
	private final String correctCombination;
	private char entry1; // most recently entered letter
	private char entry2;
	private char entry3; // oldest entry
	/** A constructor that creates the combination lock. 
	 * @param correctCombination The 3-letter combination to open lock.
	public CombinationLock(String correctCombination)
		this.correctCombination = correctCombination;
	/**Set a letter as the next piece of the combination being entered.
	 * The last three calls to this method determine whether or not the lock is unlocked.
	 * If this is called more than three times, only the last three calls matter.
	 * @param entry Current letter being entered for entry.
	public void setEntry(char entry)
		entry3 = entry2;
		entry2 = entry1;
		entry1 = entry;
	/**Tries to open the lock. Will fail if the last three entries are not equal to the lock's built in combination.
	 * @return True if the lock successfully opens, false if it doesn't open, such as with an incorrect combination.
	public boolean openLock()
		if(correctCombination.charAt(0) == entry3 
				&& correctCombination.charAt(1) == entry2
				&& correctCombination.charAt(2) == entry1)
			return true;
			return false;
	/**Resets the lock to an unset state where no entries have been entered.
	public void closeLock()
		entry1 = 0;
		entry2 = 0;
		entry3 = 0;




I'm not 100% sure, since I'm not a Java pro, but I wonder if this actually works the way you intend:


  // ...code...
while (entryChar != ' ');

You might want to make that a do-while loop instead, otherwise I'm guessing that it only runs it once, then hangs on the while.


  // ...code...
while (entryChar != ' ');

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