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Hello fellow scientists,


I am starting a new website, based on scholasticism, and one of the things I'm including is the publication of articles pertaining to different subject matters. If any of you have unpublished articles that you have written, or are interested in writing an article that you would like to see published, please let me know. Basically, I have lots of bandwidth to kill, and this collection would be more reputable than, say, a personal page provided by Yahoo! or AOL. You can PM me for more details.


Sincerely, cweb255


Yes, probably moreso than "articles" which I used originally. I should have been more distinct on my uses. But yes, if you have a research paper also, make sure, though, that if you submit, I would need a name and a date of composition, as well as any information about possible uses (is it copyrighted, etc...).


Also, it does not need to be a formal research paper, as the professors make you write, nor does it even have to be a research paper, as articles about findings or interesting reports may also be included. Basically, anything that helps in the furthering of the scholarship on the subject.

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