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In speaking of some special scope of human science, we categorise the problems in two scopes:



2. Economical


But the intervene of these two sacopes are higher.

In fact clearly in the chapter of culture we have a subsection of economiy and in the chapter of econmy

we should have a subsection of culture.

The problem arise more when under a heavy cultural environments mathematical models of economy do not


So, the first thing which come in mind is:

The cultural points are so important here, which we should consider them as a parameter in our economical


If we do not do that, irregularities arises intensively, and some times it changes the problem drastically.

In our experiences, irregularities as an important fact that effect everything have two major sources:


1.Education: In family and culture, in school

2.Inconvenient economical model: Economical models that do not adopted by cultural points of a society.


1.Education:In the first type, people usually do not concentrate on the problems, but they concentrates on each others.

Usually, it comes back to their type of passion.Love , hate and jealousy , plays a major role in their taking actions,

and problem solving do not consider as an important factor.

It is the major difference between Modern societies and the others.

These passions should be lead by education from childhood in other sides.

As an experience, I am sure that classic music could solve this problem drastically.In a convinient mixture of this, and our cultural

points, and teching leittle by little adopted to the age the regulation the success is in hand.Bad musics(specially dishy washy ones, has completely dire consequence).The problem is;how to work calm, energetic and motivated.A nd how to learn the positive cultural points of any society in the happiness of children.


2.Inconvenient economical models:When we do not consider the cultural points of a society.

For example, when in a society people are sensibile to justice problem, it affects their work on some subjects like

progress programs. A long period time of progress, will affects them heavily.Instead of a A long period time of progress

and a long time period of justice programs, it is much better to cut them in shorter times, and to consider them

case by case(some progress, some justice), and to watch what is the reaction of people.

So, we need a control room by considering what the others say.

This is more complicated than a simply mathematical model, since it will be based on feed backs.

We need a higher type of models.Something like feed back models.

So there will be a general theme, to chop the strategy to two different types(freemarket, socialistic), for each problem.

If a society is sensibile to family structure and in the same time women has a prominent place, we should work on working spaces, and having a mixture of physicsal spaces and virtual ones.To have sufficite time to be in home, for all family.

Here, in as a economical parameter we face every time to the "amount of tollerance".



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