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hi, this is nupur. i live in india and am interested in science like no other thing, specially particle physics.


Hi all...

A physician by training but a neuroscientist by inclination (currently a grad student in neuroscience).

I believe there are only two mysteries in this universe.....the universe and the tool we use to understand it - the brain. So physics (as much as can be understood by a biologist) and neuroscience are my interests. Since there is no biology without evolution, it is my third interest.


Hi, I'm Steve from Ontario, I'm currently in Grade 12 focusing on computer engineering and physics as a 'major'. I'll gladly join in any discussion and I'm glad to learn from everyone here a well. I don't do to well in school, but not so much for a lack of intelligence as it is being to busy on the computer and reading, kind of ironic :).

  • 2 weeks later...

Good Evening All. I'm Matt, From Australia. Quite a collection of data here... Looks awesome :)

I am a 2nd year Automotive Mechanic in the training. Ive got many questions about various science applications, and I'm bound to find the answers around here somewhere, going by the size of this place.


Hi everyone, I'm Karen and am currently studying for my Geoscience degree with the Open University. I'm also fascinated in planetary science and paeleontology. I'm not a prolific poster but look forward to debating with you and learning :)


I'm a First Year Nursing student from Vancouver Island. Just came across this site when I typed in 'Chloroplasts and Mitrochondria' in google ;)


Looks interesting, I'm going to check it out.


Later :)


Hi, I like chemistry, computers, and electronics. :cool: I am amazed by Steve Wozniak. I am a programmer and network admin by hobby. I am 16 and watch mainly the science channel.


Who would've thunk it. Finding people interested in the neurology of mesosoic archosaurs on a science site is almost as hard as it is OFF of a science site. I mean, you'll sooner find a club footed balerina by day, arthritis ridden janitor by night. Why do I have to be such an unusual loser?

  DeathbySmite said:
Why do I have to be such an unusual loser?


Character - homer
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Because you make fun of janitor/ballerinas!

My performance in Swab Lake

paid for my college tuition, buster!

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Guest OrcasAreFish

Hello. I'm OrcasAreFish. I don't have much to say, because I signed up under the advice of DeathBySmite. I know both DeathBySmite and Kermit. So... Uh... I'll come around once in a while I guess.


Hello, I'm new in town.


My name's Rob(ert), I'm 18, and I'm from the UK.


I may not be a particularly valuable addition to the forums, but what I lack in intelligence and general scientific knowledge I more than make up for in the desire to leech ideas and information from others' in my own quest for self-improvement.



You're welcome to call me rob, robert, roberto, xep, xepton, xeppy, robxep, xeprob, robbo, robzilla, xr, rx, bob, or bobbo if needs be.




  Radical Edward said:
I thought for any new members that we have, it might be nice to introduce yourself. feel free to do so here :)


Hi, I'm Zero Point. Been a member since October but just now had "time" to post. Nice forum you got here!



Hi all...

A physician by training but a neuroscientist by inclination (currently a grad student in neuroscience).

I believe there are only two mysteries in this universe.....the universe and the tool we use to understand it - the brain. So physics (as much as can be understood by a biologist) and neuroscience are my interests. Since there is no biology without evolution' date=' it is my third interest.[/quote']


Hello, fellow neuroscientist! What's your alma mater?


No biology without evolution? We could debate a long time on that, although it would definitely NOT involve religion.


The brain - oh boy, yes, that's fascinating! It explains a lot of things and has a lot to say about "time."


Eager to see you post again.



(Harvard neuroscience 2004)


Hello. I'm Jo and I'm new.


I'm an astronomer (currently amateur, but possibly professional eventually), a mathematician and a musician, among other things. I have a definite polymath-y streak to me. Did I mention languages? I am fascinated by languages. And building musical instruments.


Yo, name's mike. From Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA(near UofM). I got my assossiates in Robotics Technology at the same time I graduated from highschool in 2004. With the robotics background I am heavily interested in the idea of automating the world, and changing the economic and social structure to adapt. I am interested in Neurology with respect to human enhancement, and integration with IT systems. Nano-technology, and bio-technology will probably become my next degree goals as I am very interested in the future of the engineering sciences. I am slightly scitsofrinic* and as such converse internally so I often can understand multiple sides of arguements rather easily. I don't upset easily, so don't be afraid to say anything offensive as I rarely become offended =)


I feel it is important to get outside opinions to be able to grow your own, so I've come to this forum to just get the feel of how people think outside my own circle of friends, and to hear new or opposing ideas.

Guest CRbomber650

I'm new, from houston, and always screw the CR sections on the SAT


ello govners and govneres's. I am new here. I put the eeeeeeek!! in geek. I weigh 270 IB(not metric as i hate to do scale conversions) but would like to weigh 360IB so that i will have a pound for every degree in a circle. I am home schooling so any sites for that pourpose would be much apreciated. On other forums i am ususally know as shubie-nubie or even pastadude. I don't feel like giving my real name at this point for un-excusable reasons that don't mean a thing. I love to sautee science and marinate math. S.S. soup is always tasty. please help me gain 300 pounds. i have been trying to acheieve this by rigorous exercise but only gain very little. i use to much extra virgin olive oil for my own good and can't get enough computers. There is a new food group and it consists of potato chips, chocolate chips, and silicon chips. I am the weirdest person that you may ever meet.

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