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What is a feasible way for the nature to generate an Atom?

David Levy

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So far the Science was able to produce anti-matter at CERN:



"Antimatter atoms produced and trapped at CERN"

"Antimatter– or the lack of it – remains one of the biggest mysteries of science. Matter and its counterpart are identical except for posite charge, and they annihilate when they meet."

"Antihydrogen atoms are produced in a vacuum at CERN, but are nevertheless surrounded by normal matter. Because matter and antimatter annihilate when they meet, the antihydrogen atoms have a very short life expectancy. This can be extended, however, by using strong and complex magnetic fields to trap them and thus prevent them from coming into contact with matter."


Hence, the Science was able to generate an AntiAtom and keep it for short time based on the magnetic field and acceleration power at
CERN. Therefore, we should look at the universe and try to find if there is any possibility for the nature to create Antiatom or even an Atom.


I have found two possibilities as follow: Magnetar star and the core of spiral galaxy


Magnetar: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetar


A magnetar is a type of neutron star with an extremely powerful magnetic field,


Magnetars are characterized by their extremely powerful magnetic fields of 108-1011tesla.[5] These magnetic fields are hundreds of millions of times stronger than any man-made magnet,[6] and quadrillions of times more powerful than the field surrounding Earth.

Hence, a magnetar which is stronger hundreds of millions of time than the one at CERN should have the requested power to generate AntiAtom for long live time or even an Atom…

Core of spiral galaxy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galactic_Center


"The Galactic Center is the rotational center of the Milky Way galaxy… Existence of a supermassive black hole at the Galactic Center, on the order of 4 million solar masses.[18]… The nature of the Galaxy's bar which extends across the Galactic Center is also actively debated…The bar may be surrounded by a ring called the "5-kpc ring" that contains a large fraction of the molecular hydrogen present in the galaxy, as well as most of the Milky Way's star formation activity.

"Work presented in 2002 by Antony Stark and Chris Martin mapping the gas density in a 400 light-year region around the Galactic Center has revealed an accumulating ring with a mass several million times that of the Sun and near the critical density for star ormation… The bar may be surrounded by a ring called the "5-kpc ring" that contains a large fraction of the molecular hydrogen
present in the galaxy, as well as most of the Milky Way's star formation activity."


New born stars – "They seem to have all been formed in a single star formation event a few million years ago. The existence of these relatively young (though evolved) stars was a surprise to experts, who expected the tidal forces from the central black hole to prevent their formation."


Hence, the Center of the Milky way is a rotational supermassive black hole. Potentially it should have the power to accelerate the Atom as the science did at CERN but with significant higher power. Therefore, it might have the requested power which is needed to generate long live AntiHydrogen Atom or even Hydrogen Atom . A strong evidence for that is the bar which is surrounded by a ring that contains a large fraction of the molecular Hydrogen present in the Milky Way galaxy.


Do you agree?


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David Levy, on 04 Jun 2013 - 13:28, said:

"Antihydrogen atoms are produced in a vacuum at CERN, but are nevertheless surrounded by normal matter. Because matter and antimatter annihilate when they meet, the antihydrogen atoms have a very short life expectancy. This can be extended, however, by using strong and complex magnetic fields to trap them and thus prevent them from coming into contact with matter."


Hence, the Science was able to generate an AntiAtom and keep it for short time based on the magnetic field and acceleration power at

CERN. Therefore, we should look at the universe and try to find if there is any possibility for the nature to create Antiatom or even an Atom.

The devil's in the details. The magnetic fields mentioned here are in a particular configuration to form a magnetic trap, and the trap depth is around 1 K, i.e. the atoms must be slow. http://alpha.web.cern.ch/node/87


It was also done in a vacuum, to reduce the chance of collisions with other atoms.


It's more than just a matter of finding a strong magnetic and gravitational field.

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Hi swansont

This article gives highlight about the Magnetic trap for Anti Hydrogen: "We have given a comprehensive description of a magnetic trap for antihydrogen confinement comprising an octupole and mirror coil arrangement, together with a solenoid to facilitate initial antiproton capture"

There is no contradiction to the idea that by strong magnetic and gravitational field the Nature might generate Antiatom or a real Atom. It is a feasible process. The nature is not waiting for our technology for trapping Antiatom or Atom at the Galaxy core.


Just think about the following statement: " The bar may be surrounded by a ring called the 5-kpc ring that contains a large fraction of the molecular hydrogen present in the galaxy, as well as most of the Milky Way's star formation activity."

Why the bar contains large fraction of the molecular hydrogen present in the galaxy??? How come??? Where this huge molecular hydrogen comes from???

Don't you think that it might be an indication for an Atom Creation activity in the spiral galaxy core??? Don't you think that there is a possibility that at least one atom had been created by the huge power of the rotational suppermassive black hole???


With regards to your statement: "It was also done in a vacuum, to reduce the chance of collisions with other atoms".

Let's assume that there is a chance for Atom collision in the galaxy core. That is perfect. Now, the new created Hydrogen Atom might collide with another Hydrogen Atom. This should create a helium Atom. Hence, there is good possibility that the galaxy core generates Hydrogen atoms, as well as variety of Atoms and moleculars

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So, now we know that the core of the milky way Galaxy has the capability to generate Hydrogen Atom. This is good, but not enough. We need to verify that this Atom creation is feasible at the core of any Spiral galaxy. Therefore, we need to look at other spiral galaxies and try to find significant presents or creation of Hydrogen Atom.

As Andromeda is the closest spiral galaxy, we should start with this one and try to prove this theory.

Edited by David Levy
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So, now we know that the core of the milky way Galaxy has the capability to generate Hydrogen Atom. This is good, but not enough. We need to verify that this Atom creation is feasible at the core of any Spiral galaxy. Therefore, we need to look at other spiral galaxies and try to find significant presents or creation of Hydrogen Atom.

As Andromeda is the closest spiral galaxy, we should start with this one and try to prove this theory.




from super nova to gamma ray burst.





i have a better picture of this. I'll post it in a second.



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Hi swansont


This article gives highlight about the Magnetic trap for Anti Hydrogen: "We have given a comprehensive description of a magnetic trap for antihydrogen confinement comprising an octupole and mirror coil arrangement, together with a solenoid to facilitate initial antiproton capture"


There is no contradiction to the idea that by strong magnetic and gravitational field the Nature might generate Antiatom or a real Atom. It is a feasible process. The nature is not waiting for our technology for trapping Antiatom or Atom at the Galaxy core.


No, it's not a feasible process. There's nothing you've cited which would allow you to validly draw that conclusion.



Just think about the following statement: " The bar may be surrounded by a ring called the 5-kpc ring that contains a large fraction of the molecular hydrogen present in the galaxy, as well as most of the Milky Way's star formation activity."


Why the bar contains large fraction of the molecular hydrogen present in the galaxy??? How come??? Where this huge molecular hydrogen comes from???

Don't you think that it might be an indication for an Atom Creation activity in the spiral galaxy core??? Don't you think that there is a possibility that at least one atom had been created by the huge power of the rotational suppermassive black hole???


If I had to guess it would be the large gravitational field that's responsible for the collection of all the hydrogen.



With regards to your statement: "It was also done in a vacuum, to reduce the chance of collisions with other atoms".

Let's assume that there is a chance for Atom collision in the galaxy core. That is perfect. Now, the new created Hydrogen Atom might collide with another Hydrogen Atom. This should create a helium Atom. Hence, there is good possibility that the galaxy core generates Hydrogen atoms, as well as variety of Atoms and moleculars


Two protons by themselves do not fuse to form Helium.



The bottom line is that protons are not formed by themselves, nor are antiprotons. Proton/antiproton pairs can be created if the reaction in question is energetic enough.

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I'd say the answer could be found in the following two wiki pages http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matter_creation and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proton


The relevant parts would be as follows:


Because of momentum conservation laws, the creation of a pair of fermions (matter particles) out of a single photon cannot occur. However, matter creation is allowed by these laws when in the presence of another particle (another boson, or even a fermion) which can share the primary photon's momentum. Thus, matter can be created out of two photons.

The law of conservation of energy sets a minimum photon energy required for creation of a pair of fermions: this threshold energy must be greater than the total rest energy of the fermions created. To create an electron-positron pair the total energy of the photons must be at least 2mec2 = 2 × 0.511 MeV = 1.022 MeV (me is the mass of one electron and c is the speed of light in vacuum), an energy value that corresponds to soft gamma ray photons. The creation of a much more massive pair, like a proton and antiproton, requires photons with energy of more than 1.88 GeV (hard gamma ray photons). (wiki matter creation)

At sufficiently low temperatures, free protons will bind to electrons. However, the character of such bound protons does not change, and they remain protons. A fast proton moving through matter will slow by interactions with electrons and nuclei, until it is captured by the electron cloud of an atom. The result is a protonated atom, which is a chemical compound of hydrogen. In vacuum, when free electrons are present, a sufficiently slow proton may pick up a single free electron, becoming a neutral hydrogen atom, which is chemically a free radical. Such "free hydrogen atoms" tend to react chemically with many other types of atoms at sufficiently low energies. When free hydrogen atoms react with each other, they form neutral hydrogen molecules (H2), which are the most common molecular component of molecular clouds in interstellar space. (wiki proton)

So, we have the (massive) energy of two photons making a proton/antiproton pair and then two less energetic photons making electron/positron pair which could result in to making a hydrogen atom/anti matter hydrogen atom pair when the temperature is sufficiently low. Why they don't cancel each other out is just one of those mysteries. You may find these interesting also, especially the part on proton-antiprotons in annihilation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baryogenesis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annihilation

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