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Posted (edited)

please help me to solve this questions. please see the attachmets.

Bootstrap resampling is a way to get the most out of a limited amount of

data for model estimation or validation. Given a random walk model

x1 = "1; xt = xt􀀀1 + "t; t > 1;

where xt is the observation and "t is the noise at time point t, and data sample

6; 1; 3; 7; 12; 6; 19; 29; 5; 􀀀6; 􀀀9; 􀀀29; 􀀀11; 􀀀13; 􀀀5;

generated from the model, describe how to generate more data from this sample

using bootstrap resampling.

Edited by julia ROBERT

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