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What does it mean!?

Guest tinytigey

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Guest tinytigey

I've currently been hurt from a guy who told me that he loved me, and he's just a big flirt, so i didnt ever respond. Well, deep inside i loved him with more than what seemed like life itself. And he used to hold me and kiss me all the time! Even last week!! And i told him how i felt, about 2 months ago and he said "you're tight too" Then, like 2 days ago he told me he loved me(which he had been saying since i met him in like...August), and then i got in trouble, and couldnt get to the computer. Then I went on yesterday, and saw that it said "i love you Rachel" which is my best friend, in his profile. She told me that she wouldnt ever do anything to hurt me, and she kinda liked him, a little bit. And my friend Mitch likes her, so that the guy that told me he loved me, couldnt ever go out with her. Well, i called her and she said she liked him, and i was crying for like...8hours, and then when i called her again, she didnt even try to help me, and i was still crying. She was just liek "okay.....okay........okay........okay.........okay" SHE DIDNT EVEN CARE! So now she is not my friend, and i am glad that they cant go out. I know its mean, but its true. Then this morning i wake up and my dream was I was a babysitter for my neighbors everyday and one day i went into the guest bedroom and he was there...well, u can guess what happened next..and then the mom walked in, and then just walked out. I dont know how, but we got out of the house, and we were running. He was hiding in a childs plastic play house, and still running, and i was in a towel. Then my parents were running after us, and he fell down a hill and i was like "o no!! be careful! i hope hes not hurt, I LOVE HIM!!" then i fell too, and he said something like, "that was so sweet, ur so nice to me, no one has ever said that about me before" and then he was like " i love you" and i finally said "i love you too" AND I HAVE TO SEE HIM TONIGHT, AND I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT ANY OF THIS MEANS! Rachel is going to be there too, and i know they cant go out, but she only cares about herself, and is very manipulative (the guy i love told me that she was!!!! then i found out for myself) and she is going out with someone else, anyway, and i have a feeling he's gonna get his heart broken, like mine is now, and come back to me, and i want to take that chance, because i lost my other one. So now i need to know, does that dream mean anything!? or is it just in my head? or...what?! i need a response in the next 5 hours if you guys could be so kind!! Thank you so much!!! please respond asap!! :confused:

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well that was a bit confusing, but i dont think you've actually asked him what he thinks


its probably just best to sit down and talk to him


if he really loves you as he said and you really love him as you said then it should be fine,


he may have just been mucking around with his profile, boys do that! it may have even been someone else.


at the end of the day, you need to know for sure, ask him, find out the truth and then it'll be obvious what to do from there.

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Erm... How old are you? If you're in a high school I would just forget about it. High school relationships are just a game and should not be taken seriously. Perhaps you should think about what you really want in a relationship.

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Guest tinytigey

Thanks to everyone. I am going to talk it over with him and find out how he really feels about me. Maybe tonight, I don't know. I do know that I feel better though, thanks to everyone that helped!

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