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Critical inflation

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I would like to start off by stating that i am not a scientist, i am not currently enrolled in college or have ever attended a college course. That being said i simply had an idea and was wondering if it were possible and/or how would i go about testing the theory. The idea is pretty simple it involves the big bang and inflation. I believe many scientists wonder what was space like before the big bang and what caused it. The thought i had was this, durring "inflation" all of the glaxies are moving away from each other and the center of the universe. As everything moves away from the center a negative pressure is formed. the farther they move away the greater the pressure. Eventually as the universe is spread out over a great distance the negative pressure becomes very great, so great that the fabric of space itself 'which i asume to be like a membrane' tears, releasing matter from an "undetermined location" to equalize the pressure thus creating a new universe to repeat the cycle. I would really like some feedback on this idea so i look forward to your comments.

Edited by joshthagreat
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I think your interest in big bang cosmology is fantastic, and that you wish to test your idea (hypothesis) shows initiative. The big bang occurred a very long time ago, and there is no way to look at the event to see what happened in order to perform your test. The method cosmologists use to verify their hypothesis involves advanced math. Although, the idea of what they do is fairly simple.


They start with astronomy data, the position, speed and direction galaxies are moving, and calculate where those galaxies would be in the past, how long ago in the past all of them would collide, and what would happen in during such a collision. Similarly they calculate what will happen in the future. However, some things are unknown, which means the calculations cannot be perfect. Sometimes, a scientist must make assumptions instead of having data; consequently, different scientists may get different results from their calculations.


In short, unless you are willing to study hard for a long time, you will be unable to test your hypothesis. I suspect someone will explain where your hypothesis does not agree with calculations that have already been made, which many scientists agree upon.


My explanation of the process used to verify a cosmological hypothesis is too simple to be accurate; thus, I expect someone will correct my explanation, too.


Good luck in your quest to learn about cosmology.

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The thought i had was this, durring "inflation" all of the glaxies are moving away from each other and the center of the universe.

No, the inflationary epoch was well before the formation of the large scale structure of the Universe.

As everything moves away from the center a negative pressure is formed.

Inflation is coursed by a negative-pressure vacuum energy density.
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