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Project Suggestions


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I am not feeling challenged by my current workload at school, so I decided to do an independent project. I am in 9th grade and my options are somewhat limited. "Project" probably isn't the best word it's really and independent study. I'm looking for specific subjects not just broad topics like "Study CHemistry!!!!" My current idea is to study evolution, specifically the debate of Group vs. Individual selection. I am interested in everything though, so spout some ideas please!

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I'm not sure what a railgun is, but all the same I doubt it would go over too well with the teacher I have to convince of the project's validity.


@yourdadonapogostick: I'm currently (officially) at the level of Algebra 1, so I'm not really qualified to take calc just yet. even though I have dabbled.

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it shouldn't be too hard to make the transition. you don't really learn anything in algebra 1 or 2 anyway. when i get around to it, i will post my trig notes.


a rail gun is a gun that uses magnets to project pieces of metal at high velocities.

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I am so building a rail gun. Anyone got a link for some schematics?


My school sucks in a couple of ways, one of them is that they don't want me to go too far ahead of the rest of my class. So I couldn't just up and learn calc, because according to their logic, I would be wasting time because I'm gonna learn it anyway. Kinda twisted.

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