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Okay, let me first put this out there-I am simply a novice when it comes to affirming things through complex reasoning via previously assumed theories. With this said,at the very least-if you disagree with something, please state why & without the extra vulgar properties that often escape from personal opinion. -Thank-you


First off, some background-I suffer from a chronic headache (of which the origin is unknown), hence I often drift into a state of a near-subconscious level that is quite strikingly peer listlessness.


-During these moments of involuntariness, I am not able to focus on complex thought as far as I'm aware of (maybe a simple construct such as the pain in my frontal cortex). On occasion during these happenings I have extreme cases of Deja Vu In which I can see something that happens in my own future. For example I once saw my math professor adjust the overhead during lecture and ask a specific question to a student, before it happened at least ten minutes before-hand. During these instances I see what happens through my own eyes in the future.


-As far as I can tell I cannot control the outcome of these things because the happen infrequent enough to where I forget them. The time that passes between each happening verges from a few minutes to years (I often forget what I saw and only just remember when the scene occurs again for real).


-Being a fairly inept individual when it comes to the sciences, and realizing people troll these commentaries with such similar claims, I went ahead and decided to make sense of it myself. Which brings me to my 'theory' if you will.


Basically since the larger mass of a certain object is superior to a neighboring object, the neighboring object (which happens to already be in motion by any valid means) goes faster in a slightly skewed path-due to the gravitational pull of the larger object.-Sounds familiar huh? It should, because I'm not finished-I applied this simple concept to the electrons speeding around the nuclei of atoms. Each orbital is different and the masses of different types of atoms do vary, although this process is the seamlessly the same Basically I'm saying that the original speed the electrons have is added to the gravitational pull of the nuclei which have a far superior mass to the electrons. Now this speed is extremely fast, however-not quite the speed of light... until there is a chemical reaction in which there is light (release of energy).


-BINGO 'light' it's a simple display of different spectrums that we may or may 'not' see. Light itself must be the key, from these tiny reactions light could quite possibly have the ability to 'bend' time as we perceive it-in a way. Because light itself has the ability to bend from basic laws that govern our universe. It's quite possible that because my headaches induce me into a certain state of mind, that chemical reactions that don't normally occur in most individuals-allow me to see portions of my own future as I perceive it. Unfortunately I have seen many professionals and have not gotten a diagnosis yet, I've been prescribed many times on various drugs and vitamins over the years with little help.


-How would this release of light allow me to see future happenings you say? It is my fore-most assertion that besides the prosaic properties of light and the known bi-products; there is a fundamental property that is made during the chemical reaction from which dark matter and thus dark energy are created. Further assumptions are pure whim and are welcome to scrutiny, but I do not care-I need answers...


Dark matter and energy are thought to be increasing the speed of the universe's divergence from the initial big-bang theory. This type of matter and energy 'Do not' obey the normal laws of physics of which we are apt to discern.It's under my own assumption that dark matter and energy are created as a bi-product from reactions of regular matter as stated previously. The key link between the two types of matter must be the emission of light; Which is why I only experience these happenings through my optical senses.





Edited by Timelapse
  On 6/22/2013 at 6:58 AM, Timelapse said:

Basically since the larger mass of a certain object is superior to a neighboring object, the neighboring object (which happens to already be in motion by any valid means) goes faster in a slightly skewed path-due to the gravitational pull of the larger object.-Sounds familiar huh? It should, because I'm not finished-I applied this simple concept to the electrons speeding around the nuclei of atoms. Each orbital is different and the masses of different types of atoms do vary, although this process is the seamlessly the same Basically I'm saying that the original speed the electrons have is added to the gravitational pull of the nuclei which have a far superior mass to the electrons. Now this speed is extremely fast, however-not quite the speed of light... until there is a chemical reaction in which there is light (release of energy).


The gravitational pull of the particles is negligible. The interaction (attraction) important in atoms is electromagnetic: protons are positively charged and they attract the negatively charged electrons. Further, quantum mechanics shows us that it is not correct to talk about classical trajectories — electrons are not behaving that way.


IOW, your model is unfortunately wrong on a very fundamental level.


First, my sympathy for your headache affliction. Secondly, thank you for placing theory in quotation marks thereby showing you understand the distinction between a true theory and speculation.


Now, you said this:

  On 6/22/2013 at 6:58 AM, Timelapse said:

-As far as I can tell I cannot control the outcome of these things because the happen infrequent enough to where I forget them. The time that passes between each happening verges from a few minutes to years (I often forget what I saw and only just remember when the scene occurs again for real).


-Being a fairly inept individual when it comes to the sciences, and realizing people troll these commentaries with such similar claims, I went ahead and decided to make sense of it myself. Which brings me to my 'theory' if you will.

If you have forgotten these 'predicitive' events, then on what basis are you so sure that when the event occurs, that your 'recollection' of having forseen it earlier is not just a classic case of deja vu? I don't see anything in your description that differs from that.


Swansont has explained how the underlying mechanism you propose is a non-starter, so I will add nothing there, other than confirmation.


You also say


Because light has the ability to bend from basic laws that govern the universe

There is absolutely no evidence that this statement is true in any way, so once again a fundmental underpinning of your speculation is undermined.


Desparate as you are to find an explanation for these debilitating headaches and the apparently associated deja vu, your current thoughts are - unfortunately - simply wrong.


You'd at least need a record of the predictions before the events occur before you could have any hope that these are not just your mind paying tricks on you.


Be aware, memory is extremely malleable to the point where it is quite easy to have memories of things that never happened or new information inserted into old memories without being able to distinguish what is original memory and what isn't.


Rather than suddenly remembering that you've seen something before in detail immediately after it happens, it's quite possible that a memory storage error got the new information mixed up with an older memory and suddenly you "remember" the new memory as having happened before even though it didn't. The effect can range from a vague feeling of familiarity to being able to full on visualize stuff that never actually appeared in the original memory as if it had always been there.

  On 6/22/2013 at 10:23 AM, swansont said:

The gravitational pull of the particles is negligible. The interaction (attraction) important in atoms is electromagnetic: protons are positively charged and they attract the negatively charged electrons. Further, quantum mechanics shows us that it is not correct to talk about classical trajectories — electrons are not behaving that way.


IOW, your model is unfortunately wrong on a very fundamental level.

okay,classical trajectories-got it-The many orbitals are random within atoms. And I previously had forgotten the positive/negative attraction you had referred to. But those two points aside, wouldn't it make sense for dark matter/NRG to be a biproduct (or at least influenced) by the reactions that take place? jw, I had to put my own sense into this to make more sense of my situation.


  On 6/22/2013 at 12:13 PM, Ophiolite said:

First, my sympathy for your headache affliction. Secondly, thank you for placing theory in quotation marks thereby showing you understand the distinction between a true theory and speculation.


Now, you said this:

If you have forgotten these 'predicitive' events, then on what basis are you so sure that when the event occurs, that your 'recollection' of having forseen it earlier is not just a classic case of deja vu? I don't see anything in your description that differs from that.


Swansont has explained how the underlying mechanism you propose is a non-starter, so I will add nothing there, other than confirmation.


You also say

There is absolutely no evidence that this statement is true in any way, so once again a fundmental underpinning of your speculation is undermined.


Desparate as you are to find an explanation for these debilitating headaches and the apparently associated deja vu, your current thoughts are - unfortunately - simply wrong.

For the first question you have regarding the verification of the assumed recollections that I have, I will simply put both the number of occurrences and the state at which I am immersed in are both valid points in defending my claims of 'Deja Vu'. I have been alive for 18 years, and have been experiencing these things as far back as the age of 5 as far as I'm aware. At the most I have experienced them around 5 to 10 times in a week. At the least I have not experienced Deja Vu for a few months. The state that I refer to is a qualitative account that has been unchanged through every happening;This being that every time it happens I look around physically turning my head and sometimes body to affirm the weird coincidental Deja Vu in a state of listlessness-I become fairly unresponsive to stimuli that would normally inhibit such actions-such as sudden sounds or someone calling my name, etc. I know there isn't a prefect way to explain such a thing and that the validity of this must sound rather unbelievable, but it's the only tangible evidence that I've got as of now, I would appreciate any help on verifying my recollections/or creating a hypothesis


  On 6/22/2013 at 12:13 PM, Ophiolite said:

First, my sympathy for your headache affliction. Secondly, thank you for placing theory in quotation marks thereby showing you understand the distinction between a true theory and speculation.


Now, you said this:

If you have forgotten these 'predicitive' events, then on what basis are you so sure that when the event occurs, that your 'recollection' of having forseen it earlier is not just a classic case of deja vu? I don't see anything in your description that differs from that.


Swansont has explained how the underlying mechanism you propose is a non-starter, so I will add nothing there, other than confirmation.


You also say

There is absolutely no evidence that this statement is true in any way, so once again a fundmental underpinning of your speculation is undermined.


Desparate as you are to find an explanation for these debilitating headaches and the apparently associated deja vu, your current thoughts are - unfortunately - simply wrong.

oh and I was referencing Einstein's relativity in which gravity can affect light


  On 6/22/2013 at 3:00 PM, Delta1212 said:

Be aware, memory is extremely malleable to the point where it is quite easy to have memories of things that never happened or new information inserted into old memories without being able to distinguish what is original memory and what isn't.


Rather than suddenly remembering that you've seen something before in detail immediately after it happens, it's quite possible that a memory storage error got the new information mixed up with an older memory and suddenly you "remember" the new memory as having happened before even though it didn't. The effect can range from a vague feeling of familiarity to being able to full on visualize stuff that never actually appeared in the original memory as if it had always been there.

I rest my case by the response given to Ophiolite in this chat. A response to negate my obvious flaws in my own presumptions is rather dignified; however it is also flawed in that since this is particular forum is dictated towards Pseudo-science, I would be greatly enthralled by someone else's own presumptions as to 'Why?' or 'How?' these things occur. But thank-you for the reply.


  On 6/22/2013 at 2:58 PM, Klaynos said:

You'd at least need a record of the predictions before the events occur before you could have any hope that these are not just your mind paying tricks on you.

I often have such debates myself as to whether or not somethings is indeed a pretense, for the time being I will record this one for the first time on this forum as follows:


I have seen my own mother in a wheelchair, bloated around the face, obviously weak do to stress lines about her eyes and neck. She is in a hospital, her eyes are somewhat glazed over from their natural color(I don't know what that means yet) and she's in a gown.


-This 'presumption' if you will, was made about three months ago, about a half month before then my mom was diagnosed with a particularly lethal cancer, she's been given a few weeks to a few months more to live.


Time will tell if this is in fact a correct presumption. However for her sake I wish that this one does not come true,because the last time that I have witnessed someone in such a state from cancer-they died within a week(this happened to be my cousin in 2006)




I have seen my own mother in a wheelchair, bloated around the face, obviously weak do to stress lines about her eyes and neck. She is in a hospital, her eyes are somewhat glazed over from their natural color(I don't know what that means yet) and she's in a gown.


It is far more likely you saw subtle signs of your Mum's health deteriorating, and this would conjure worst case scenarios in your mind. I can sympathize with this, as I've had to endure the same thing, but a different condition.



Unfortunately though (and it sounds a bit cold), trying to convince your audience that you have predictive prowess doesn't cut it. You've suggested an idea, and you need to back it up with the same rigor as any other scientific theory or 'theory' in this case ;). The glaring error, is that your idea is very vague, so it's almost impossible to draw any conclusions from it. There have been a few proposals linking antimatter with dark energy, but not too sure on their validity, that's about as close to your idea that I can think of.

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