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Hi, I'm using Lua (As you may have guessed) to make an AI program. I can program it to respind to questions with yes or no well, and play basjc games, but I have no idea how I will get the AI to respond to questions or inquaries intelligently.


Can anyone share they're Lua Insight?

Posted (edited)

I am curious about what you mean by "respond to questions or inquiries intelligently." Yes and no answers are sometimes intelligent responses to questions. Your question has some meaning between intelligent yes/no answers and simulating a human conversation. Please be a bit more specific.

Edited by EdEarl

Sentance structure is the item I am looking to program into my AI. More tgen just a simple yes or no. As a matterof fact I'm programming pre-AI setups right now ti get a better idea of my organization for this

Posted (edited)

Noam Chomsky and his work in linguistics are a good place to start, if you have not already studied his work. There is much more by many researchers. On the other hand, if you are asking about how to use Lua to construct sentences, I unable to help you. There are several Lua vidoes on youtube.


I skimmed the Lua tutorial, and found the following:

io.write(x, "\n")

If your are asking how to output a sentence using Lua, it appears you can simply string words into a variable (e.g., x) and io.write it. That seems fairly simple, and I suspect you are asking for something else.


You still have not described what you wish to do enough for me to fully understand. The topic of this post mentions "Cleverbot," which could mean many things, including something similar to Watson that played and won Jeopardy against the best players.

Edited by EdEarl

I know of Watson. He was made by IBM and is normally connected to the internet, but for jeopardy he was given a selected bank of thousands of documents to alone work on.


Essentially what I'm doing. The io.write is a companion of the io.read in lua.

Without io.read() function, io.write isn't a very useful item of lua when one can simply use print("")


I already knew the lua language but had no idea where to start when it came to using Lua for luinguistic purposes.

But since I posted this topic, I've learned much more of the lua language with Strings. (String.len, String.lower, String.match, String.gsub ect.)


Now I don't need help, but thankyou for the research links. I will check them out.

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