sheever Posted June 29, 2013 Posted June 29, 2013 (edited) On 3/19/2012 at 9:33 PM, shawnhcorey said: No. When a quantum encounters the two slits, it becomes two superposition, entangled quanta which interfere with each others probability of travel. It's this interference pattern that gives you the classical wave interfere pattern. When one of them hits a detector, the superposition collapses causing the other to disappear. Nothing goes back in time. This is from the quantum superposition page of Wikipedia: Quantum superposition is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics. It holds that a physical system (say, an electron) exists partly in all its particular, theoretically possible states (or, configuration of its properties) simultaneously; but, when measured, it gives a result corresponding to only one of the possible configurations (as described in interpretation of quantum mechanics).This creates a quantum arrow of time since the superposition cannot be recreate and then made to shrink back to a point. wel here it doesnt say that.and actually it make suggest me that every choice you make it was a result of these collapse and as on the quantum level the electron was able to repositioning to the observer regardless of the distance suggest to me that all the possibilities existed and been experienced at once.BUT because your physical body arent designed to live multiple dimensions you ll never ever be able to be actually phisically experience.altough the doubt in your choice could be the memory of the other possibilities regardless of the final colapse or reality the memory or the footprint manifest as a feeling of doubt or questioning your also suggest me that basically consciousness altough no necesserely need the observer but trough the observer the higher complexity reaches faster in multiple create physical and non physical trough your phisical existance.if i look the technical evolution back in history it suggest me some sort of speed in the highest complexity and i bet if we could measure that it would be exactly the same as the expanding universe.anyway if this guy right and conscious moment can happen for in our physical existence 40 times/secod it ld explain to me why time recognized as flow.simply because it becomes continous for our perception.that would also suggest that the 40 times/second is can be the high vibration state what is our normal state but when you on low vibrational state you be able to produce way less conscious moments.that causing unconfidental behaviour as the experiences reduced and it not the natural state of the consciousness as it seeks this highest complexity....? Human behavior can be traced and this behavior pointing towards serving consciousness.protect your life extend the time of the experience itself in the physical dimension and so on be able to create more and more complex things.also forexample today trough social website made it possible to exchange information immedietely and so on force to look the observer to look faster and more intense towrds the highest complexity.any sort of communication form seek the observer and raise the choiceless awereness.does it make any sense to you guys? pls let me know your toughts so i can learn.thanks Edited June 29, 2013 by sheever -1
Eugene Morrow Posted June 29, 2013 Posted June 29, 2013 Kramer, I'm not sure what you mean: Quote What will happen if we put instead of a flat detector, one wave form - half circle detector? Sure, after have calculated the wave lengthwe'll have only black or white but not waves display. Am i wrong? What is a hafl circle detector? I think you are saying that a different detector will change the results of the double slit experiment. I need you to talk about this a bit more. Sheever, You are discussing one of the most colorful interpretations of quantum mechanics (qm), where the consciousness of the experimenter makes a difference to the results of the experiment. It can be called the Participatory Anthropic Principle" (PAP) and was partly supported by John Wheeler, a Professor of Physics at Princeton, who had worked with Neils Bohr at times. Stuart Hameroff covers that interpretation, and his video also talks about entanglement where qm claims there is faster-than-light communication between two electrons. I do not accept any interpretation of qm, especially not this one. To me it does not make sense for consciousness of the experimenter to affect the results of an experiment. Why and how could that happen? To me, it's too complicated to consider this possibility. Note that Stuart Hameroff is a doctor, not a physicist. I covered how the Theory of Elementary Waves (TEW) explains entanglement when I was discussing the Quantum Eraser experiment recently. I do not accept entanglement proves that there is faster-than-light communication, or any other mysterious things like effects backwards in time. Hameroff talks about the divide between the quantum world and the classical world. For qm this is a mysterious border where behavior changes a lot. For TEW, it's just the border between when a particle can follow a single elementary wave or when it's too big. They can do the doube slit with large atoms and even with molecules like Bucky Balls (multiple carbon atoms) but the double slit does not work with larger molecules. For TEW, the larger molecules do not follow a single elementary wave, so they follow the usual classical laws of motion and so we don't get the interference pattern. So the border simply represents where we can see the effect of elementary waves in experiments. For TEW, the universe is always local and deterministic - it's just that the elementary waves only affect very small things. Eugene Morrow 1
sheever Posted June 29, 2013 Author Posted June 29, 2013 (edited) Eugene Morrow, thanks very much to consider my post and reply. I have no any study of qm or qp. I started research connections of the physical and the actual observer vs perception.I think quantum phisics or mechanics pointing towards the direction to reach non physical phenomen even tough there is no device to measure. to me suspicious that every of communication form involved more observer so the combination possibilies increase towrds infinity.also looking back in time in our so called past even trough your life you ll see that past events torugh the physical action-reaction law creates chain reactions.depends on the number of the observer with their own individual definitions of the same thing expand the event in the my oppinion it must create some blueprint or echo simply because it comes back in a form of action (consider as a force of choiseless awereness) with no limits. (you say something 2 years later someone remember you recieve a honecall do you still got this signed football by XY...etc)it creates new possibilities i consider conscious moments.all that superpositioning must colapse into one reality but I am looking for signs of human behaviour it could lead to seperate an infinite conscious events comine with physical observer and trough that be able to create their own universe in the physical form.just like we build roads computers and basically i see now its all seeking trough us the highest complexity which actually could back up the force of this conscious infinity.that also would suggest the understanding of the physical body limitations in the term of sensation of this event as its could be calledsubconscious or non recognizeble..?that would be able to answer the nature of our perception of time as flow.(40 conscious event /second =flowing time effect) make me wonder how am i be able to know that within this crucial 6 seconds how much to accelerate to run across the road without the car hit me and all that happen in split second?while it was clearly a moment of the choice which as far as i understand yet it creates the possibility and that could colapse into one reality?if we would be able to go back in time could only explain that me how exact my physical reaction and action was which is theoricly not possibly was the choice of the brain?it would suggest me that the consciousness express itself into one physical dimension our body able to percieve even knowing whats going in the background.consciousness could experience all the possibility and choosing the best of all possibilies but you feeling of the events could be a blueprint on the event horizon or another words a memory of the rest of the possibilies...? that actually would create a paralel connection with religion (I am not religious) in terms of being physically vulnerable =brain percieve and processing informations of the enviroment (regardless of its holographistic or the reflection of its own existence) with choice already made but would not consider anything as creator (known as GOD) with seperating physical and non physical events which i believe we actually experience. being ironic I am actually seeking this direction as my highest excitement trough this communication form and expand the counscious experience with physical expression or form.wherever we turn we the conversation we just actually do the same thing and nothing can stop this happening.isnt this suspicious?any form of information combined with the observer increase the possibilies.also why the world population physical existence increasing ? (lifetime) why is that the nature of the universe is that it changes for it needs?which is a CHOICE?=conscious event? why is the more aware of anything you ll look at it and seeking it?and with the more awareness even tough you got more understaning it doesnt stop its IMPOSSIBLE? why is that we got so many highest excitement?you have defintely at least one which is what you actually doing right now.regardless peoples say they hate to do but there is a belief which attach to the physical action creates that highest excitement?but haha why is that once you becomes "static positioning" (leats say you driving homefrom work)even tough you experience your highest excitement you already looking for another one?why is that the actual highest excitement you just NOT DOING is actually not available for you at all?and most suprisingly if you ld be able to make it and experience you already becomes careless and look for another one??this all to me just way too much coincidence.but most important how is that our perception-belief change our own genes??? sorry for my english cheers again. Edited June 30, 2013 by sheever
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