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Posted (edited)

just doing my research and would like to ask if anyone can give me a note on this subject pls



you as the part of consciousness has no any existing value apart form information.since everything contain information thats what its own structure.its observing itself as you and me and happen all internal.
your actual position in time and space is illusionary since your position always the same within your frame of reference.
you to be able to access any existing information while your frame of reference always the same it suggest to me the source of the information is the observer itself.that self reflection does not support any seperation in the observation in other words there is no seperate observer and no any other person as individual exist as reference.its the very same observation access different information from the same information source.so observing itself trough its own loop back to itself.you and me and everyone is the very same consciousness observe itself as an illusion or a possibility.

Your position physically has no reference as you always in the same reference frame.in other word the image of yours based on your observation and depends what and how deep you look at it.you cant move IN SPACE because you are always observe from the very same place.you ve never moved.the subjects of the observation moving as you look at it in depth

considering that from your reference frame time is always now it suggest me there is now any arrow of the time.


Edited by sheever

It is conceivable that everyone could have the same consciousness. I'm not opposed to that hypothesis. However, when it comes to knowledge, it's obvious that we don't all have the same knowledge. That being the case, I have to assume that knowledge is a physical structure. It is conceivable that I am you, but if I were you 15 minutes ago, by this argument, I would never know that I was also me. Having said that, there has to exist either (1)knowledge independent of observation or (2) observation of all locations. I lean towards 2 for QM purposes.

Posted (edited)

thanks for reply i really need more idea on this topic by you guys.


I think information of the structure of the observation makes actually sense in lots of subject.such us there is no future since is not predictable also support that time is not exist.if there is no time based on Einstein suggestion (time and space the same fabric) it question the existence of space also.

since your frame of reference does not move but everything else does it means to me the information is changing by the direction of the actual observation.since the information structure is the effect of its own process you must be the same observer of the very same thing.so there is no specific you or I .only the observation itself and direction also depth of its own procedure.

if you taken away every of your sense to create reality image at the end you have nothing but self awareness.thats state has no information value nor reference frame.

since we are able to keep see the same information also in other state when its changed by others modification i assume its add aditional value of information into the existing and you actually can percieve it by observing it...?since every process is internal that would mean you havent got any specific position or its the exact same one.like every ion in the universe can be the exact same one..


thanks again for taking your time on this topic

Edited by sheever

A lot of science, I would even argue that most science, is based on predictability. QM really threw a wrench in that, at least for a moment. By now, we are recovering from the weirdness of QM and discovering that it really is weird, but it doesn't rule out things such as determinism and probability. You might be interested in Bayesian Statistics or Occam's Razor. These are tools that are being utilized by scientists and philosophers in these times solely for reasons of predictability.


As for your assertion that time doesn't exist, it's a very hard concept to define. Most scientists generally know that our methods of measuring time are flawed, but the problem is that we don't know of any alternative. We do know that velocity changes ones longevity, which is what I, personally, feel that time can be reduced to. With regards to this, you may be interested in Continuum Mechanics, which is a relatively recent area of interest in Physics.

Posted (edited)

i edited my post adding more things and this topic its really tough.thanks for the links i ll take a look at them also thanks for any other oppinions

Edited by sheever

I don't know if I should get into my own personal work on the subject. I'm concerned mostly with Computational Neuroscience. That specific area of research aims to put in code the very process of information entering the senses, what happens in the cell, what happens to knowledge, and basically anything related to the senses and information. It seems to me that information is structured in particles that radiate, and I think that there is pretty good evidence to support that. EdEarl might have some good things to say, and he usually makes good citations to support what he says. It seems to me that you're mostly appealing to the Anthropomorphic Principle. What you say is not necessarily false, but you focus mainly on the physics. When you get into subjects such as computational neuroscience and neuroscience in general, there really is no question of whether space and time exist independently of the observer. You can't even pose the question within those areas of study, we go by what we know, not what could be.

Posted (edited)

I am happy to work with others on the same subject.

if you think about it Scientist must give a correct solid evidence of their theories works in all circumstances.so if you are totally senseless its should still apply but it doesnt.actually there is nothing no time no space no dimensions and nothing more than self awareness,thats to me exactly the state of superpositioning in quantum physics.but it would point into that there is no reality because its only the process itself and everything into it is the exact same fabric.

everything you know is just fraction of informations creates images in different form but still dpend on the depth and direction of the observation..


I found a methematic shematics based on 2,4,16,and 256 to give time a structure even it does not exist but the growth ratio its measurable on two subject.one is the population the other is the expansion of the universe.its including the small and also large points to measure .

I did a measurement on the first subject.and altough the largest number were too large to measure I had 3 measurement.I got a ratio which was 1.1-1.2-2.6 in the period of years 1850-2010.based on the structure of 10th years such as 1850,1860,1870...

this shematics can measure any time scale in any form regardless its prcision as it can measure 10th of years or single years as long as the structure of the measurement in the same reference frame.

i suggest if i could be able to measure the expansion of the universe on 3 occasion with this structure i must get a bigger ratio.that would suggest the very momement of the acceleration.

if i would measure this back and trying to find the ratio of 2.6 in my suggestion it has to be before 2010 since the population WAS THE EFFECT ONLY of the growing.

any further population measurement will not reliable because as soon the population growth will stop it means its evolving into another life form which has to be non artifical since the biological evolution not able to follow the technical.

Edited by sheever

I agree that there is no time, I think it is reducible to longevity, and I also agree that there are no dimensions, they all seem to be reducible to 0 (which is just a point of reference). Actually, there was a recent episode of "Through the Wormhole" where a scientist made the claim that there are only 2 dimensions in reality. I've expressed that (1) the word dimension is itself meaningless to me, and (2) that, to me at least, suggesting that there are any more than 2 dimensions is absurd. The reason for (2) is that you can stack them on top of each other, and if you accept that, why not reduce it to 1 dimension, where the lines can be stacked, and if you accept that, why not reduce it to 0 dimensions where every point can be stacked on other points.

Posted (edited)

everything is two dimensional information.you dont see 3 dimension ever because what you do according to our physics only changing your position in the space but the picture did not change only look at from other angle.

you cant predict any side you can not see but the brain add aditional image to create sense based on existing information.now if it does then image itself shouldnt exist as well just like you are not moving in space.you always stay in the same state which has no reference just like you said.

television is exactly the same its project 3 dimension on 2 dimension platform.also any computer game represent 3 dimension in within the 2.

i have no knowledge to measure the expanding universe contacted Oxford and Cambridge university also mailed Mr Stephen Hawking not sure if any one ll concern me

but anyhow if any one could help in this measurement that would be great because I am comfident the result of the measurement will be the one i suggested.

Edited by sheever
  On 7/21/2013 at 5:57 PM, sheever said:

I am happy to work with others on the same subject.

if you think about it Scientist must give a correct solid evidence of their theories works in all circumstances.so if you are totally senseless its should still apply but it doesnt.actually there is nothing no time no space no dimensions and nothing more than self awareness,thats to me exactly the state of superpositioning in quantum physics.but it would point into that there is no reality because its only the process itself and everything into it is the exact same fabric.

everything you know is just fraction of informations creates images in different form but still dpend on the depth and direction of the observation..


I found a methematic shematics based on 2,4,16,and 256 to give time a structure even it does not exist but the growth ratio its measurable on two subject.one is the population the other is the expansion of the universe.its including the small and also large points to measure .

I did a measurement on the first subject.and altough the largest number were too large to measure I had 3 measurement.I got a ratio which was 1.1-1.2-2.6 in the period of years 1850-2010.

this shematics can measure any time scale in any form regardless its prcision as it can measure 10th of years or single years as long as the structure of the measurement in the same reference frame.

i suggest if i could be able to measure the expansion of the universe on 3 occasion with this structure i must get a bigger ratio.that would suggest the very momement of the acceleration.

if i would measure this back and trying to find the ratio of 2.6 in my suggestion it has to be before 2010 since the population WAS THE EFFECT ONLY of the growing.

any further population measurement will not reliable because as soon the population growth will stop it means its evolving into another life form which has to be non artifical since the biological evolution not able to follow the technical.

I'm not sure about what you're saying here.

I don't understand

Posted (edited)

i took this diagram and gave it a structure with the numbers of 2,4 (2*2),16(4*4)and 256(16*16)

i found a detailed information from 1800 -2010 of the population growing.i suggest paralell behaviour in our population as effect of the consciousness growing which can be paralell with the expnading universe.

I created this mathematical structure in order to measure both occassion with the exact same measuring structure.

its include the very big and small numbers such as 2 to 4 ,4 to 16 ,and 16 to 256.you using the numbers based on this structure then divide back with its own number (root or radical in english?)

and you ll get a ratio within this year scale.you can measure anywhere really in any depth as long as you got information of these details.

i want to do the same with the expanding universe.we need to measure with this same structure 3 measurement required of its speed to get ratio value

this will shows its growing and its effect and ll suggest the time period of its own effect.




Edited by sheever

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