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Sometimes I just want to post

Popcorn Sutton

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Hey everyone, I haven't been posting lately and right now I have some alone time sitting in front of my computer (which I absolutely love to do) so I figured, why not? I'm just going to post.


Today I went to the nature trails at our state park here in Michigan and let me tell you, it was very beautiful. I love walking these trails. It might actually be my favorite thing to do in this area. Well, after that, I decided that I wanted to sit down and meet one of my best friends moms for the first time. This woman, she is awesome, honestly, after a few years of getting to know her son and thinking that she was like satan, it turns out that she is actually a very, very smart person. I enjoyed being in her presence.


One thing about today though is that I did not eat very much. On my way to the park, I realized that I was probably going to be there for a little while and that I haven't eaten yet, so I decided that I would stop and grab an energy bar. It was a Clif bar. Those type of energy bars actually satisfy the need to eat, and I don't have a very big stomach so it helped me get through until around 8 when I was finally able to eat one of my favorite foods, a chicken quesadilla from Taco Bell (lol). And on top of that, my friends mom ended up buying it for me!


The one thing about the talk with my friends mom is that she is obviously a genius (one of the few who live in this area), but she was interdisciplinary in her studies (she knew about physics and linguistics [speaking probably 6-8 languages]) but she mostly concerned herself with Psychology. I have to admit, I'm not the type of person who is interested in Psychology, I've always felt as though it is a tool that people use to degrade others and classify them accordingly (which takes any sense of uniquity out of the equation). So, during our conversation, I let her know that I have studied a lot about Neuro-Linguistic Programming (which she is an absolute pro at) but that I have abandoned that philosophy for reasons that she completely understood. One reason was that ignorance is bliss, and I think that it truly is. Some things are just better not to know, and all this nonsense about picking up chicks and subtle ques is all a hindrance to actual communication (which she completely agreed with). We both came to the conclusion that thinking about these things while talking with people dehumanizes the experience. It's like it becomes some sort of game, and I think that a lot of us have come to realize that life is not a game.


Anyway, I ended up helping them set up tables for a wedding reception (which is a first for me), and it turns out that A LOT of people that she works with and who are in her family have also studied these sorts of things! I can't believe that I actually felt at one point that there was no one I could relate with on this topic! I actually thought that no one else had ever taken the time to read books on how to change behavior and how to pick up members of the opposite sex. Well, I've come to realize by this point in my life exactly how wrong I am. These people are actually very easy to pick out of a crowd. I'm not judging though, and I'm definitely not in the business of analyzing behavior. So I'm going to leave that one be.


At this point, I've come to realize that life, and happiness, is not a destination, it's a way of doing things. It really opened up my eyes when I read that quote on facebook the other day, and it put my mind at peace. Well, back to his mom, my friend, one of my best friends, dated this girl who played it off absolutely perfectly. She was the best girl. "She was the ideal girl, every guy wants a girl like this, how could you not compare the following girls and judge them against her," his mom said to me. Well, this is why I decided that it was time to meet this woman. It turns out that that girl, my friends ex, was an absolute sociopath. His mom said that "it's rare to find a teenager that you couldn't classify as a sociopath, [but this one was different]". Well, this girl was calling my friends mom and making threats that she was going to "break him" and that she was going to "bring him down [to the point to where he would kill himself]". Well, she was smart enough TO RECORD their conversations on the phone! She was holding it from my friend for so long too! They were done and my friend was absolutely destroyed because of this girl. Well, she finally got around to showing him the recordings of HER VOICE saying those things! It was a HUGE weight lifted off of his shoulders. He is in a much much much better mood now and his life is actually coming together! I can't even express how happy I truly am to see him becoming a normal person again! Needless to say, I gained A LOT of respect for that woman when I heard about this. It was nice to actually be able to sit and chat with her, but, as I said earlier, by that point in the day, all I had eaten was a Clif bar, and as I also mentioned, I'm not one to dabble around in the science of Psychology. Needless to say, she blew my mind several times. I was exhausted after talking with this woman. But, I mustered up the energy to finish the day, get the job done, and finally get some food, which I was very grateful for.


Well, now it's the end of the day, and I want to learn some science, so my current google search is "uber science facts". This was a pretty interesting read (http://uber-facts.com/2013/02/23/scientists-are-working-on-telekinetic-tattoos/).


I might post more later.

Edited by Popcorn Sutton
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