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  1. 1. Enterprise:cancelled

    • Finally
    • NO!!!!!!!!!!, it can't be true. :(
    • So, who cares?

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  yourdadonapogos said:
and that is new how?

In the sense that it was posted twenty-one hours and ten minutes before yours.



wow, never heard that one before.

I'm sure you must have done.

In the sense that it was posted twenty-one hours and ten minutes before yours.

i wasn't talking about the site on the link. nm.


Nooooo... the sarcasm was evident. The point of it wasn't.


It isn't really something that deserves an argument. We ought to be celebrating.

about what? i liked enterprise.


save enterprise. they did it for tos' date=' we can do it for enterprise.[/quote']

Enterprise was the crap bucket of the Star Trek series , and I doubt they can get it back as they did when TOS was cancelled.

  Tesseract said:
The ratings sucked. No sane person would watch it.

The ratings, the plots, the characters, the actors (with the notable exception of Billingsley, who owned them all), the music, the lack of expositionary cohesion, the contrived situations, the squeaky-clean endings, the oh my god we're so multi-cultural ethnobolllocks stereotyping that all American shows seem to do these days, the messing with the timeline before they even started time travelling, the need to try and crow-bar in the popular icons from the other series (Khan, Borg, etc) just to lift up one episode... I could probably go on.

  Sayonara³ said:
the actors (with the notable exception of Billingsley, who owned them all).


Yeah my favourite character too, even though Ive only seen 4 episodes. I think my list of favourite startreks would be:


TNG :cool:

Voyager :D

DS9 and TOS :)

Enterprise :-(

  yourdadonapogos said:
huh? an asian, a black guy, a vulcan, flox, porthos, and a bunch of white guys. how multicultural.

Its how they portryed it not how much they put in.

  yourdadonapogos said:
please exlain the "multi-cultural ethnobollocks sterotyping."

"HEY VULCANS! This is my communications officer, Hoshi Sato. She makes a lot of mistakes because she's a woman, and being Asian doesn't help. Ha! I said Asian. I'm so politically correct, even though I am just showing my complete ignorance of geography and national identity.


Anyhooo - for some reason I brought my boomer along. He's called Travis and he's a darkie. I like his moxie, helllll yeah. Being his friend AND captain shows how unracialist I am.


Oh look, here comes Trip Tucker. He must have parked the shuttle. Funny thing - the only real difference between him and me is our accents, but I have more arguments with him than any of the other officers. That PROVES that we can even get along with the freaky non-whites who we allowed to come with us into space."



And so on.


It's like they go out of their way to point out blazingly obvious facts like "foreigners can push buttons".

  yourdadonapogos said:
i don't understand. there was only one main human character that wasn't from the US.

A character doesn't have to be human to be the subject of appallingly badly-handled writing, and more often than not it's the aliens who become the subject of the human characters' "dilemmas" anyhow.


Count the number of condescending conversations between Archer and Phlox, or Archer and T'Pol. Or - oh my god - Archer teaching advanced alien societies how to be more like him. Even better, count the number of times Archer accuses an alien of being inhuman, or having values that differ from his own.


I am not sure what coming from the US has to do with racial apologetics, but I'd point out that Travis was raised on a deep space vessel.


I freaking loved TNG and DS9!!!!!!!!!!

Voyager was ok... whatever.

Enterprise was way to different, it wasn't star trek anymore, it was some weird drama thing. Oh well, another let down after that Andromada thing. And Rodenberry (whatever) is dead, so I don't think they will keep trying to destroy his good name. :D


i have yet to see archer blame hoshi for anything because she is a woman or asian. nor have i seen him say anything about travis being black.

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