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User-Editing of Latex equations of posts(Read for understanding)

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I was thinking, could there be an implementation of a feature where when a user posts a post with a Latex equation and if the equation is wrong(let's say people make minor errors without knowing it) and instead of having to make a post saying the mistake in the equation the user who sees the error can just click on the code(or some other mechanism) in the post and edit it from there and give reasoning to why it was edited. Of course, the user who edits it must be a certain rank, but it would save posts.

I don't know if it would be possible, but it is an idea.

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hmm - I would prefer to preserve the individual posts; you must have noticed how irate some posters get when they are minorly misinterpreted can you imagine how they would react when content bearing their name was altered especially if incorrectly. Amount of posts isn't a problem - changing someone's work is more of a potential pitfall


You can copy the latex someone else has posted by clicking on the equation - and a box with the code will open which you can highlight and copy.

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hmm - I would prefer to preserve the individual posts; you must have noticed how irate some posters get when they are minorly misinterpreted can you imagine how they would react when content bearing their name was altered especially if incorrectly. Amount of posts isn't a problem - changing someone's work is more of a potential pitfall


You can copy the latex someone else has posted by clicking on the equation - and a box with the code will open which you can highlight and copy.

I just noticed that it displays the code when you click the latex code. Oops. happy.png


I can see where it could become a problem.

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