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The Apollo 20 mission?


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Semjase had an earlier post concerning this topic. I would like to add a "critical thinking" component to the discussion.


There are collaborating evidence from other sources which confirms secret projects by NASA and other allied agencies whether American or non-American.




Youtube videos:


"Secret Structures on the Moon" by Sirius Disclosure


"E.T. Shoot at Fort Dix" by Sirius Disclosure


"UFO Crash in Peru" by Sirius Disclosure


The above evidence suggests international collaboration to hide the truth concerning the current and past interaction of E.T.s and Earth's history.


Therefore, by Occam's Razor, we could conclude that the Apollo 20 mission occurred with international collaboration. China and other nations were involved since 1969 because of the discoveries of objects on the Moon. There are other anomalies.


Youtube video:


"The biggest secret of mankind - The clementine conspiracy a.k.a. Project Golden Dragon" by 1967sander


The above evidence, again, suggest a pattern of secrecy.


WHY? WHY? WHY? If we use the obvious reason then the reason is simply to make sure the social superstructure is not disturbed: religious structure and other belief systems. Imagined is there was full disclosure concerning the possibility of other life-forms and human beings existing a billion years ago from other planets. The previous assumptions would possibly create social chaos. Also, what if it was discovered that human beings of Earth lost a war with "reptilian" species, which evolved fro dinosaurs here on Earth, there would be panic and mass paranoia. Of course, the agencies would deny and keep the truth hidden until the time is right.




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Therefore, by Occam's Razor, we could conclude that the Apollo 20 mission occurred with international collaboration. China and other nations were involved since 1969 because of the discoveries of objects on the Moon. There are other anomalies.

So, you're honestly telling me that your critical thinking abilities are really accepting that a conspiracy -- per your statement above -- would require at least 10s of thousands, and probably 100s of thousands of people to all keep the conspiracy -- not a single one of them have blown it in the 30-50 years since a supposed Apollo 20 mission?


I find that hard to believe.


Even the things the government wants to keep under wraps, they have a hard time keeping secret. See, for example, Edward Snowden.


I find it rather unlikely there wasn't a single person with similar morals to Snowden who would have blown the whistle.


In other words, post some hard evidence instead of appealing to a grand conspiracy, and there may be some interest. As you noted, there has been at least one recent thread on this topic. Semjase was offered a chance to provide evidence. None came forward except his personal disbelief that so-called photographs and images and patches from the mission couldn't be faked in any way. Again, personal beliefs aren't evidence. So, I hope time will be better -- provide some objective, clear cut, conclusive evidence, please.

Edited by Bignose
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I find it rather unlikely there wasn't a single person with similar morals to Snowden who would have blown the whistle.

I would agree, but if the government has no morals then it would have all ability to kill these whistle blowers. Just a hypothetical.

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I would agree, but if the government has no morals then it would have all ability to kill these whistle blowers. Just a hypothetical.

If you really believe that this is in any way commonplace, then why is Snowden still around? I am 100% positive they didn't want what he leaked to be out. And if the Guardian is to be believed, they have only released like 10% of what Snowden's given them.


I'm sorry, but there is a long history of government whistleblowers.


Even worse for the OP, it assumes that all the countries in the world involved, all remained chummy enough not to be the one to spill the beans. I think history will show that U.S. - U.S.S.R. relations were certainly strained enough that if Moscow had any kind of proof of some secret mission, it would have came out if only just to sway public opinion much more their way.


But really, this is all secondary to my main point. That as presented, it is a pretty fantastic extraordinary story. And to be believed, there needs to be some extraordinary evidence brought forward. Not just innuendo and conjecture. But some actual evidence.

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Moderator Note


This is not a conspiracy forum, and those youtube videos do not constitute evidence; Semjase was chided for this. If you can't present any objectively true evidence, then it's not keeping with the rules of speculation. If you obtain some, then you can present it, but make sure it's not more tripe like this.




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