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Is the universe expanding/stretching or are we hurtling towards something?


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What if we are not accelerating away from something, but instead we are accelerating towards something? If the big bang started as an infinitely dense mass then shouldn't it all eventually collapse back in on itself as a star does to a black hole? I had a theory that I thought of that I found to already be out there called the Orange Theory, I found it on YouTube, while not a very good place for factual information, it demonstrated my concept well. I figured under that theory that we would be located and the observable universe would be on the expanding half, but this would support the idea that space would not be equally assuming we could observe enough of it to see the difference.

Now, what if we aren't actually returning to the starting point in a very lengthy process then could we be expanding towards something? I use analogies to best construct my ideas. So, bear with me. We are all in a giant bathtub (I realize their is no medium in space as in a bathtub). The edge of the bathtub is very massive and has a large gravitational pull. Objects closer to it accelerate faster and faster and appear to be leaving us if we would look towards the center it would appear that they were also expanding away from us, because we would be accelerating towards the unknown faster than it was due to distance away.

I do not have a clear answer for where all of the mass came from in the first place, but it's just another idea out there and it seems like the universe should be slowing down in expansion, not speeding up. If there is no space, time, mass, or etc. outside of the universe then we should be expanding inwards almost as if the "outside" of the universe were repelling us.

It came to mind when I thought about if the opposite of a super dense black hole could exist. A place where everything was pulled away from gravity. If the big bang was expanding as a balloon would it eventually cause "fissures" in space time where there was no radiation, no gravitational pull, and no heat and if such a place were to exist would appear that we were "repelled" from it due to the gravity of everything else?

I'm a 25 year old army diesel mechanic, not a quantum physicist or even high school science teacher, that has very large ideas pop into my head randomly in the shower. I accept being wrong, I'm just a thinker.


This probably belongs in "Speculations." I'm unsure of how to move the post.

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We're not accelerating as we normally think of it. Space is being created internally.


Like a sphere getting bigger on the inside while "externally" it remains the same size.


I disagree space is not being created, all the original fabric of space-time that was created in the Big Bang and this total space time fabric is being forced apart by the supposed 'Dark Energy", that has the properties of anti-gravity.


The latest news on the fate of the universe is that it is accelerating and if this acceleration continues there are two likely outcome in the very far future, the acceleration will become so extreme that the fabric of space will be ripped apart stripping everything else out of the universe as well.


Or it will continue to accelerate, increasing entropy to the infinite maximum leading to the heat death of the universe, But don't worry about it that could take a Googleplex of years to reach that point

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