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Hi there,

looking for some expert advice :) I'm currently studying for a degree in natural science, specialising in biology and environmental science. I hope to go into a conservation/animal related industry or masters, or teaching of biology or something related.

I'm struggling as I have one module of free choice and I cannot decide what would be best to do. I can do either 30 credits in earth science or environmental science. although it makes more sense to pick environment, I really enjoy earth science and this particular module is also concerned with life on earth also.

Now i'm wondering, do you think an earth science module will look odd in my degree profile considering my future ambitions or is it still related?

thank you.


Most of the time people will not be too interested in the courses you took. They are merely indicators that you have been studying but are not expected to give you professional expertise related to a job. I am uncertain about typical job opportunities in the particular areas of interest (especially as it is a bit vague) but at most the degree and maybe the grades will influence it a little bit.

Having contact with potential employers (e.g. on job fairs or similar) will contribute much more, for example.

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