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Mind can control objects...

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I was watching a show on the science channel about a man who had a whole bunch of electromagnets and tesla coild, so the whole room was full of electromagnetism. When he pointed a really strong tesla coil, which produces alot of electromagnetism, or maybe it was an electromagnet, but anyway, the electromagnetism was so strong that objects would move, float, and shatter that weren't even metal (there were video clips of this, and it was real). But the strange thing was that when he left the room, the objects stoped moving, and when he came back, they started to float around again. The show also showed a robot (different person now) that moved randomly to move a bead from one dish to another. It usually took around 16-21 moves for the robot to accomplish this. But when someone were to concentrate on the robot, but not touch it (the robot was anotamous), the robot could complete its task in around 4-2 moves.


This would lead one to think that the brain has an effect on electricity and other objects. Kinda cool, eh?




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