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Time travel Possable?


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So if I was approaching 2 black holes the force between the two could develop a sweet spot. If I was to ride this sweet spot, I would travel in a figure eight around both black holes and end up in the same exact starting spot. Only this time I would be there long before I ever made the original journey. That would be time traveling into the past, theoretically at lest it is possible. But what if we did find a way to time travel? I always hear about different paradoxes that undermined time travel, Today I just have a thought about returning to the past that I am sure you good folks could rip apart or play along with.



My thought is: If we could travel to the past, What reassures us that "The past" exists. Right now we are in the present. We can see, feel, touch and so on. It is a fact that everything has only been observed from the view of "Present". Nobody has ever seen a situation from the past or the future. So is there a physical universe in the past? or is the past just a memory of what was? After you read this text does it still exist in the past. or can you only see it from the present? If we found a way to time travel to either the past or future would we find anything? or would it just be truly nothing.

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"Nobody has ever seen a situation from the past…"


I think you could argue that EVERYTHING we see is from the past, as we don't see it until sometime after the event occurred. The further away the event occurs, the further in the past it is by the time we see it.


To use a simple example, observing a supernova is observing an event that happened possibly millions of years ago.

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So if I was approaching 2 black holes the force between the two could develop a sweet spot. If I was to ride this sweet spot, I would travel in a figure eight around both black holes and end up in the same exact starting spot. Only this time I would be there long before I ever made the original journey. That would be time traveling into the past, theoretically at lest it is possible.

In the "sweet spot", you would not be traveling in a figure eight for both of them. You would be in a state of equilibrium.


Nobody has ever seen a situation from the past or the future. So is there a physical universe in the past? or is the past just a memory of what was?

There wouldn't be a physical universe in the past. The past is simply everything before the future.


If we found a way to time travel to either the past or future

There is a way to time travel into the future, but it requires either relativistic speeds, or extreme gravitational fields. In special relativity, proper time is given by

[latex]\tau = \int_0^t \sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}} \ dt[/latex]

At velocities not comparable to [latex]c[/latex], there is almost no time dilation. But, if speeds are close to the speed of light, time will be dilated by a measurable amount.

In gravitational fields,

[latex]\tau = \int_0^t \sqrt{g_{00}} \ dt[/latex]

Or, in the Schwarzschild solution

[latex]\tau = \int_0^t \sqrt{1-\frac{2GM}{rc^2}} \ dt[/latex]

When [latex]\sqrt{g_{00}}[/latex] is very close to 1, as in weak gravitational fields, time dilation effects are almost nonexistent. However, when gravity is very strong, there will be a noticeable difference between proper and coordinate time.

Edited by Endercreeper01
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What makes you think you would go back in time? A distant observer holding her position away from the black holes might see your signal red-shift to the point of disappearance and see your clocks getting slower and slower - but you would not even notice anything unless you looked at a known star and realised it was blue-shifted and things seemed ot be happening quicker there

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